The decline to moral bankruptcy of the GOP

That’s quite inspiring. I’d like to live vicariously through him, I hope he mussed the kid’s hair too.

I’m sure there is some way the GOP can explain why members of their staff broke federal law to try and Democrats to prove the false narrative they keep spreading.

This isn’t really moral bankruptcy, it’s just old people being dumb and imagining crazy conspiracies to explain stuff they don’t understand.

This is essentially the modem equivalent of thinking that thunder means the gods are angry

Autocorrect: liberal conspiracy.

Is there really any sin that the Republicans accuse anyone of that they are themselves not doing to the maximum degree?

All you premature Godwinners, this Yale professor’s got your back

Both sides are doing it, so it’s ok! (even if one side isn’t doing it and it’s illegal)

John James might be an idiot, but I really doubt he’s a white supremacist

This is some Charlie Kirk level idiocy.

You are such a child. :)

I remember on another thread you mentioning something that made you feel old for the first time. It doesn’t take long, does it. :)

Those two should be in jail. They broke federal law doing what they did.

Haha, yeah for me it comes and goes. I got carded for alcohol on Sunday. I get carded now more often than when I did when i was actually 21.

“It’s all because Donald Trump was the Christopher Columbus for me,” Hof told The Associated Press in a phone call. “He found the way and I jumped on it.”

Unintentionally great metaphor there.

The New York / New Jersey area still heavily celebrates him, parades and everything. There are more people who would find that as a compliment than you think.

Well, moot now I guess

Uh…did you mean to post that tweet from June, or this one from today?