The decline to moral bankruptcy of the GOP

I was somewhere the other day with Fox on the TV (the Cavuto Show) and basically they were all in on how bad the deficit is and how we need to do something about it. You know they are just preparing the Fox watching idiots to forget that Trump caused it (although Cavuto acknowledged it was worse in Trump’s presidency) and that the Dems are to blame if nothing is done to lower it.

These are good points, as are that government’s debt repayment term is infinite and that governments control the amount of currency in the economy. But I think any analogy to a household is a category error; governments are weird because they affect the economy. A household budget is like a window fan you set up to cool your kitchen; the government’s budgetary processes are like a hurricane.

The same as if someone gets murdered across the street from an embassy.

Contrary to popular belief, an embassy is not “foreign soil” and it is subject to the laws of its host country. However, treaty obligations usually prevent the host from entering the embassy, searching the premises, or arresting some of its employees. So while the host laws apply, they are much harder to enforce.

So the ball is ultimately in Turkey’s court, no?

Sure, except they fled Turkey, hence why Turkey is making a big fuss about it.

I doubt SA is going to extradite it’s operatives.


But Ted is trying to sound whiter, so that’s cool.

A “gem” from the replies

Oh God, why did I stay and read his timeline. He’s such a piece of shit… just like every other elected official from my state.

Lying Ted lies? Shocking.

Ha! That’s my NPR station, good job guys.

I generally find the dearth of households with standing armies and navies enough of a difference.

I actually endorse that.
I think that it’ll probably end well to have those idiots armed and locked in a stadium.

I second this.

I wonder just how thrilled the Secret Service is with this guy.

In general. Can you hear the locker room talk?

So you gonna jump in front of a bullet for this chump?

That is our job.

Yeah I know, but really?

Yeah I get you. I might be a bit slow.

Me too. Slip a bit.

New shoes.

Right, new shoes.