The decline to moral bankruptcy of the GOP

Truth. I know I fail, but I also tend to know where I fail.

Blessed are the rich, may we labor to deliver them more.

Nice choice! Gotta say, I wasn’t expecting new A Perfect Circle to be exactly what I wanted, but the last few weeks I’ve definitely been spinning it around.

The new album is incredible. It’s a protest album for the most part, but they pull it off really, really well.

You mean NRA Day?

Hey look a Republican saying something about Steve King. It’s a decade late, but whatever.

Yeah, I travel to Iowa for business a few times a year. I’m probably going next week. The people I meet are almost unfailingly nice, a real pleasure to be around.

I have a hard time reconciling that impression with the people they choose to elect.

Depends on the part of Iowa and the color of your skin.

That said it’s fairly rare that anyone will treat you differently to your face. They save the racism for when it’s just them and other white people. It’s the least fun conversation to ever be pulled into. They honestly think everyone else is racist too.

Even the choirboys at Land O’ Lakes are finally turning their backs on Steve. (And if you fold those backs in a certain way, they look like boobs.)

It boils down to a denial of reality, being “sincere but wrong” which IMO at least as bad as, if not worse than, being consciously horrible. In a modern democratic society, with all of our tools to inform yourself, if you choose to participate in our system and vote, and you refuse to use at least a modicum of critical thinking and intellectual effort, and you end up voting for horrible people, then you are horrible too, even if you deny reality so much that you believe you are a good person.

An example is the migrant caravan. By any objective measure, based on the info we have, to characterize the caravan to as an invasion full of criminals and terrorists is just so false and baseless that making the assertion can only be considered racist. However, Trump voters sincerely (but incorrectly) believe the caravan is full of criminals and terrorists and thus they convince themselves they are the good guys and liberals who (allegedly) want to flood the country with criminals and terrorists are the bad guys. The fact that racism facilitates this false belief at every step is just ignored. This basic reality disconnect explains almost every nasty and hateful belief of the Trump voters: they ignore basic critical thinking, basic reality and basic logic to convince themselves that the facts support their position no matter how false and that they are the good guys.

There are aspects of life where subjectivity and moral relativism have to be taken into account, but in the big picture, in terms of exercising the solemn right and responsibility of voting, there just have to be minimum standards of reason, logic and skepticism. If people simply refuse to use their brains and vote for bad leaders and bad policies, that makes them bad too, even though they believe they are good.

They are nice as pie much of the time but when you hear them talk about their version of “reality” it’s a totally different universe. And that is not an excuse. If they want to hide in the woods and believe in unicorns, affecting nobody else, hey it’s a free country. But if they are going to believe the GOP lies and vote to ruin the country, they must be judged accordingly.

Amazing self own here.

Apparently Ted forgot all the things he looked into 7 years ago.

Don’t like Cruz, but I like his reaction here. If you’re going to ask a question, stop talking over the damn answer. I wish more debates would better control their moderators. If he’s going to hang himself, give him plenty of rope to do it.

Did anyone see the documentary Outside the Bubble?

Its on the road looking at the voters that still support Trump. I was curious if after watching that if people that had the absolute certainty that ALL supporters are evil… still believe that, or as I hypothesized they are and were …duped

A person cannot possibly be that stupid, ignorant, plus out of touch unless they’re in a nursing home. My guess is what you saw was feigned ignorance so they don’t look bad on tv.

Because… you’re making a similar argument that, “Not all Nazi’s were evil. Some just wanted economic parity with other countries”. Once again, they ignored all the bad stuff, but wanted money at any cost. This too makes them bad people. People with no sense of humanity or care for those who are outside their circle.

My cousin falls into this category. She says, “Well I don’t like trump personally, but he’s been great for my checkbook”. Well, you already had plenty of money and your greedy ass decided you’d rather see this country devolve into fascism, lives destroyed, families crushed under a boot… so you could get a bigger tax break? That makes you evil girl, your God is not Jesus as you claim - it is money.

I have not seen that no. To your comment in the other thread on Trump voters, I’m not of the majority here in that I have not thrown them all under the bus.

Really my opinion comes down to this. Those that see their mistake and choose not to vote for Trump again, should he run. Okay. Those who continue to support the guy given the 5 alarm fire we’re in right now, I’m sorry but they deserve scorn, if and when they tell me or try to force me to toe their line … and that’s about it.

Not jail.
Not kicked out of the country.
Not loss of their jobs or forced to out themselves.
Not public shaming.
Not rubbing their face on their ballot and spanking them with a newspaper.

Nothing. I don’t have to remain friends with them, that’s my prerogative, though I still have friends, coworkers and family members that I know voted for him. Voting is a right of citizens who haven’t lost it by some means. And that means voting for anyone, regardless of who is listed on the ballot for President is also a right.

I’m sure there will be a ton of people who pushed the button for Trump last election who will choose not to do that again should there be a repeat. But quite honestly, in my opinion, trying to convince those who are still entrenched most assuredly cannot be done by scorning them to death, equating them all to Nazis, and saying they personally caused the loss of our nation.

Let me repeat that to make it crystal clear. Trump voters are not inherently Nazis, they are not inherently evil, and they don’t inherently want all Democrats to die in a fire. They are people, they are citizens, and they had every right to vote for whomever they want. I served for and continue to support that idea, regardless of what kinds of crazy idiots end up on a voting ballot.

This is pretty hilarious: