The decline to moral bankruptcy of the GOP

I think Moore will win by a large margin, based on the assumption that a lot of people will not admit to a pollster that they prefer pedophiles to Democrats.

Jones is likely to lose, but it won’t be because he’s “flailing”. It will be because it is nearly impossible for a Democrat to win in Alabama’s current electoral environment.

To be fair, it would help if more than six good people lived in Alabama.

👆👆 What he said

OK I just wanted to try out some emoticons

Or if social conservatives would get it through their thick skulls that supporting big govt regulating the medical decisions of private systems makes them, politically, flaming liberals.

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and text

We interrupt your regularly scheduled abuse and pedophilia excusing to bring you a disturbing piece on bigotry and facism.

When you’re young and unaware the rest of the world outside your door looks exactly like the one behind it.

This is not the case for a lot of people. Racists hunt down the young just as readily as they target the adults.

Long after Trump is out of office, and after history has forgotten Roy Moore, we’ll still be dealing with fellow citizens who have fascistic sympathies and ideals, and heaven help us if anyone more competent than Donald Trump figures out how to play to their worst instincts.

We can’t forget, after all, that we’re surrounded.

I don’t know what we’re supposed to do with these people, but getting them better lives, because outside their leaders a lot of these folks are just getting by, will just make them think the toxic environment they fanned is why it improved. I’m also not sure how to improve the lot of people who refuse to change and believe education is an enemy.

One key to beginning to make changes is to acknowledge that all of this isn’t accidental. It’s the result of deliberate actions and policies by a ruling class to insure that they remain a ruling class. They target education (and urge what is in effect vocational training) because actual education creates people who question and think. They demonize government because, in a democratic system, if people actually believe in the government, they can effect change. They whip up racial and ethnic hatreds because they realize that a unified polity would likely kick them out on their asses. They emphasize religious fundamentalism because it provides a base for unquestioning obedience to their views and plans, and if push comes to shove, they can always call for the equivalent of a holy war.

In short, this is what happens when you have a country that lets corporations be treated as individuals with Constitutional rights, glorifies a form of Social Darwinism in the guise of the “American Dream” mythology, and has never, ever had to face serious class warfare or the consequences of unbridled aristocratic power, and the ensuing bloodbaths. We’re victims in some ways of our own success. Because we muddled through pretty much letting people do whatever the hell they wanted to–only intervening when the rich folks in one section got fed up with the practices of the rich folks in the other section, because those practices were holding back even more wealth creation for the elites–we don’t have any sense of what is too much, or too far. And the doctrine of absolute individualism, which grew out of a distant time of yeomen farmers (white males, but whatever) and distributed land ownership, never got a serious gut check. Even the Depression saw a tooth and nail fight to get FDR’s mildly progressive programs installed, and the Republicans began to unravel them as soon as his corpse was cold.

Once Reagan got into office, you saw the full-on effort to undo even the relatively mild gains of the New Deal, which came perilously close in the minds of conservatives to actually making the government serve the people, rather than being a caretaker of the basic infrastructure need for the wealthy to prosper. The sixties provided the key–the cultural ammo necessary to separate poor and middle-class white Americans, particularly those in the rural and southern parts of the nation, from the Democratic party and the overall progressive arc of politics.

What we have today is merely the natural result of decades of ruthless assault on social democracy, in favor of pure, unadulterated robber baron capitalism. The cultural extremism and depravity that comes with this is merely a byproduct of the tools used to create the conditions for the 1% to rule.

Moore made his comments about constitutional amendments in a June 2011 appearance on the “Aroostook Watchmen” show, which is hosted by Maine residents Jack McCarthy and Steve Martin. The hosts have argued that the US government is illegitimate and who have said that the September 11, 2001, attacks, the mass shooting at Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, and other mass shootings and terrorist attacks are false flag attacks committed by the government. (False flag attacks refer to acts that are designed by perpetrators to be made to look like they were carried out by other individuals or groups.)

The hosts have also spread conspiracy theories about the raid that led to the death of Osama Bin Laden and have pushed the false claim that former President Barack Obama was not born in the US.

This is fine.

Moore campaign spokesman Brett Doster told CNN that Moore “believes that Islamic terrorists were responsible for the 9/11 attacks, has made rebuilding the military one of his key campaign purposes, and is the only Senate candidate with experience serving in a combat zone.”

I wonder if Roy Moore has ever heard of Tammy Duckworth?

I bet Moore would love to repeal the 13th amendment.

Or likely… most of these people:

He’s the only candidate. Even more specifically he’s probably referring to the current race between him and Jones.


So, the ABA had ruled 4 of Trump’s judicial nominees as unqualified.

This is because… they are obviously unqualified. Like seriously. Obvious to the point of absurdity. Like the one guy who is just a blogger, who has never tried a case or been in a courtroom in a professional sense. Like, ever. His first time in a courtroom would be presiding over it as a judge.

I’m sure @Malathor can explain how this guy is actually a great pick.

But the GOP has decided to go the route of just attacking the American bar association itself.

America in a nutshell.
Great post.

Well. That’s an interesting poll.

Not surprising that cell-people are much more pro-Jones than landline-people. The landline-people will go out and vote. The cell-people???