The Expanse (SyFy)

I’m a little out of the loop I apologize, but can someone tell me if Season 1 covers the whole first book? I can’t remember exactly if they cover the same material and don’t want to spoil anything (more than I already have) by looking around the net. I just don’t know where to pick up in the books after the end of Season 1.

Season 1 does not cover all of Book 1. They have caught up with the end of Book 1 now in Season 2 though. Season 1 also has characters from Book 2. It’s all merged into a one story.

So if you watch up to second season episode 5 or wherever they are now you are all set for book one.

Thanks! That was exactly the info I was looking for.

I did notice some things being different than Leviathan Wakes but I wasn’t sure if that was just creative license by the TV guys or me just remembering wrong. Like I dont remember Mr. Kenzo robo-eyes at all, or all the political figures (whose names escape me).

Kenzo robo-eyes? I dont remember his name im guessing the spy from season 1? That wasn’t in the first book. The political figures are from the second book im guessing, i only read the first one (its the only one in spanish).

I have not read the books and I don’t want to be spoiled by a wiki so I’ll ask here what the purpose is of the fluid when they start doing crazy maneuvers. Is it being fed intravenously to strapped in crew members to cushion their organs from high g acceleration?

Miller was starting to grow on me. I hope he returns at some point as proto-molecule Jesus later in the series.

I don’t really remember the juice being explained. It’s magic juice that makes you not die in space.

It’s similar in function to ‘jump drugs’ in other scifi. Except no hallucinogenic effects.

The crash couches inject them with chemicals that help them survive the varied Gs of space travel. That’s basically all the explanation we get.

Pretty sure that’s liquid midichlorians.

Too soon?

For those wondering what the hell went on in the hotel room with Julie Mao and what Miller was seeing, here is an explanation that contains a SIGNIFICANT SPOILER from Book 3.

[spoiler]The Proto-molecule is sort of alive; in merging with human DNA (which it was never supposed to do) it has become more alive than it was ever intended to be by its creators. It has actually achieved consciousness. It’s not supposed to do that - but it has.

In so doing, it is able to project a perfect hologram into the human brain of whatever it wants to show that human. It is ridiculously computationally difficult to fire all those synapses in a human brain perfectly to do this. It is not capable of doing this in more than one human brain at a single time, even when it has computer power resources on a literally planetary scale (it’s that hard for it to do this). When there are other humans around, it can’t talk to the human target of its holographic projection - and basically goes away when there are other people around who could simultaneously interact intrude upon the projection in its target mind.

The implication of this is that Miller’s brief visions of seeing Julie Mao alive in Season 1 and 2 were not signs of Miller’s insanity. They were projections by the Proto-Molecule’s consciousness into Miller’s head.

What Miller finally sees within Eros as he draws nigh to Julie Mao is seen from Miller’s perspective, and because he is by this time a target of the proto-molecule’s consciousness that has merged with Julie Mao and is subject to its telepathic projection, Miller is an unreliable narrator. Miller sees what he sees – but that doesn’t mean that what he sees is actually there. Just that Miller’s brain is actually seeing it.It may well be there; it may not be. We don’t know. We are not intended to know the truth of what he saw with Julie for sure.[/spoiler]

Great ending for last episode wasn’t expecting that to happen, going into stuff from the second book im guessing!

Yeah, it really feels like the start of another season. Such a strange flow for a single season, but I’m really enjoying it.


Eros crashing into Venus is basically the end of the first book.

The late couple of episodes strongly remind me of a prequel to the “Mass Effect” universe.

OK, once again I need some clarification after this last episode…

[spoiler]The whole 137 years earlier bit with the engineer guy who invented the far more efficient drive system…that was just setup to make us understand how Mars and the Belt got settled or something? I assume he is still hurtling through space somewhere, long squished fro the G’s and never to be seen (on the show) again?

On Ganymede, it was a joint UN - Mars setup, with each having half the moon, but then what happened? The UN decided to attack? What was the huge platform looking station thing that got blown apart? That wasn’t the ship the Martians were on, though apparently that got destroyed as well? What was with the person in the biodome trying to signal the Martian marines, and is that who was controlling the drone and robot (I assume that was a robot) that came to save the Martian marine chief? That whole sequence of events was very confusing.[/spoiler]

RE: Epstein. It’s a parable against the protomolecule. Disruptive technology always has its costs.

As for Ganymede, more will like be explained later. However, there is one hint if you really know what to look for: when the UN marines are “charging” the Martians, look at the direction they’re firing their weapons.

Plus, lots of foreshadowing with Holden’s whole “we’re eliminating the last protomolecule stuff”. O RLY?

I’m sure they’ll tell you next episode, but if you rewatch

you’ll see the UN soldiers were running away from the Thing. They were not attacking as the Martians assumed.

For me, miller was the best character. I’m going to find a lot of what I appreciated about the show missing, with the latest episode.

I picked up the first two books. I find them quite juvenile in the writing sometimes, and find the television show to do a better story. Particularly the wooden way Holden is written, the miller/holden spat came out a lot more believable in the tv show.

I hope this show gets a few more seasons though, and doesn’t die because of poor ratings.

Wow I can’t believe I missed that. On first viewing I saw the flashes below the horizon followed by the UN soldiers running but I completely missed proto-molecule HULK charging after them.

I probably wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t remembered the books.

BTW, why is our favorite Martian Marine named after Don Draper’s eldest son? ;-)