The Fall of Harvey Weinstein

Gentlemen, please. There’s no need to debate which creeper is worse! They’re all bad.

The whole distancing bit is because if you’re a star, and you knew, and looked the other way, then you enabled and are complicit. Affleck, Damon, and Crowe, the latter two supposedly having helped him wriggle out of a NY Times expose, must be having frenetic 24/7 PR meetings.

“My heart breaks for all the women who have suffered tremendous pain because of these unforgivable actions. I have chosen to leave my husband. Caring for my young children is my first priority and I ask the media for privacy at this time,” Chapman says in a statement to PEOPLE.

In the wake of the first allegations by multiple women in a New York Times report, Weinstein, who has denied allegations of nonconsensual sex, initially said Chapman was standing behind him.

“She stands 100 percent behind me. Georgina and I have talked about this at length,” Weinstein told the New York Post, adding that Chapman was helping him become “a better human” and to “apologize to people for my bad behavior, to say I’m sorry, and to absolutely mean it.”

Statement from the Obamas (their daughter interned at The Weinstein Company):

Trump on Weinstein Allegations:

He did what? So what? Fake news. But even if he did, who cares? He’s a powerful man. Lots of good movies. Best guy.

Et tu, Brute?

“My brother Harvey is obviously a very sick man. I’ve urged him to seek immediate professional help because he is in dire need of it. His remorse and apologies to the victims of his abuse are hollow. He said he would go away for help and has yet to do so.”

“He has proven himself to be a world class liar and now rather than seeking help he is looking to blame others. His assertion is categorically untrue from A to Z. I pray he gets the help that he needs and I believe that it is him behind all of these stories to distract from his own failure to get help.”

Geez, that’s getting nasty. Maybe he just wanted his brother to stop raping?

How long until he produces a Roman Polanski film?

I wonder if anything will come out against Dan Schneider because one can’t look at those photos of young teen starlets sitting on his lap and think that’s ok. Back in my day Nickolodeon was about getting slimmed and cheesy kids centric game shows but the stuff he produced for Nick was littered with sexual innuendo.

TIL that Harvey Weinstein != Harvey Fierstein.

I really can’t see Russel Crowe having any sort of a PR meeting, never mind a frenetic one!

I’m definitely waiting for some pedophile revelations.

That’s a fair point. :)

Appears as if NBC News had the NYPD tape of Harvey Weinstein that’s featured in that Ronan Farrow story in the New Yorker and sat on it, even after the NYT article last week.

I believe they also had the Access Hollywood tape, and sat on that as well.

Not a good look.

“Nobody in Hollywood knew”

Oscar nominations in 2013.

This might emphasise how bad the rape culture is in Hollywood.

This isn’t a “Hollywood” problem.
This is a male problem.
From Fox News (who paid Ailes $40 million to leave FFS) to this to Silicon Valley to financial firms, sexual harrasment and abuse is systemic in many male-dominated sectors.
Edit: Forgot the most obvious one of all:
The US Military.

This is a Hollywood thread though.

I’m sure Weinstein and his peers will delighted if we talk about the US military instead.

I am lacking in the ways of thread etiquette. :/
But the point isn’t “don’t talk about Weinstein” or Hollywood, the point is the issue is almost entirely ignored and painting it as a “Hollywood problem” seems myopic to me.

You can talk about vast, nebulous gender demographics but that’s not going to really help this particular issue is it.