The Firing Line #11:

Because self pimpin’ pimpin’ pimpin’ ain’t easy man

Finally, please don’t forget Sacrifice. Not because it came out in 2003, which it didn’t, but because it’s good enough to hold its own against anything else from the last three years.

Words taken straight from the Bible of Good Gaming.

The Chickanator! Yah!

Question and then a suggestion for Tom!

Please don’t forget Master of Orion 3. Remember it like you remember the day your dog was hit by a car. Think of it as a learning experience that makes you stronger. Then play some GalCiv to ease the pain. (That’s twice you’ve supported Brett’s point from the last Firing Line, Tom. You’re getting soft in your old age. -ed.)

As an artist, don’t you object to this sort of unfunny throw away in joke, thoughtlessly interjected by some nameless editorial asshole? It both ruins the punchline of the funnier joke preceding it and disrupts the rhythm of the column as a whole? Can’t you just out this editor to death or something? Maybe by burning all of the completely extraneous pages of the epic lengthed Tomb Raider review that he just approved and then jamming the ashes down his gullet until he chokes, like Paul Sheldon exacting revenge on Kathy Bates at the end of Misery?

Otherwise, great stuff. When will you be getting in on some Shadow Magic multiplayer with us?

Edit: Spelling.

Great freakin’ article!

Though, I wasn’t that crazy about Sacrifice. It was okay, but that’s it.

Thanks Crypt, much obliged. Compliments go a long way to giving me a peaceful night’s sleep.

And I wrote that when I was still sober. :o

For the record, it wasn’t supposed to be funny. Not serious, but not a joke.

Actually, I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that this comment was supposed to be funny in any way. If you want to criticize my sense of humor (or lack thereof), you should at least pick a proper target:

Don’t forget Vice City, although unless you’re one of those ‘I hate consoles’ nuts, you probably played it last year on your Playstation 2 like the rest of us. Folks who swear by the PC version are like people who swear by vinyl recordings sounding warmer. Mouse aiming, my ass. In a post-Halo world, most of us are good enough to venture out on foot with a console controller. And don’t even try to tell me about playing your own MP3s in the PC version. If you’re not digging on the great licensed music in Vice City, you’re missing the point. Vice City is all about indulging your road rage while listening to Foreigner’s “Waiting For a Girl Like You” and thinking back to what a disaster your prom night was. If Bonnie Simmons is reading this, I’m just joking. I had a grand time. (Captain Chick, lawsuit de-cloakink off the starboard bow! Ink-comink! –Chekov -ed.)

Jakub, just funnin’ with ya. I’m actually just trying to prod Chet into one of his awe-inspiring fits of anti-Firing-Squad vitriol.

LOL dude, go ahead and criticize. I’d be a piss-poor critic if I couldn’t take it when someone else dealed it out :p

Either that or you’d be a certain game developer that frequents these boards! :twisted:

As an artist?!?

LOL! I notice Tom couldn’t avoid kicking that dead corpse called MOO3 a couple more times. 8)

Is there any other kind? :wink:

Dude! Zombie Pirates!

MOO3 was literally the worst big budget game ever released, imo. Way worse than Outpost, of which i still have some fondness. Even worse than Diakatana. Like fine wine, (or perhaps better, your mule deer carcass bagged in the mountains of Utah), it only gets better with age. Hang 'er up for one more day!

BTW - i like the Firing Line columns but you should be careful not to overdo them. Sometimes they seem to have been written without having any real pressing issue to talk about. Like, omg, why do they call them a PAIR of pants!? WTF is up with that!? I.E., save the sirloin for sundays.

Quote from the article:

“Don’t forget Vice City, although unless you’re one of those ‘I hate consoles’ nuts, you probably played it last year on your Playstation 2 like the rest of us. Folks who swear by the PC version are like people who swear by vinyl recordings sounding warmer. Mouse aiming, my ass. In a post-Halo world, most of us are good enough to venture out on foot with a console controller.”

This almost sounds like a challenge. Is Tom suggesting he is as good with a console game controller as a PC gamer is with WASD+mouse??

Man I’d give anything to see that proven. By ANY console gamer, not just Tom.

Then again, Tom might be kidding. I’ve observed that he’s the sorta fella that likes to kid a lot. :)