The Game Awards 2018


I know what you mean - the character movement is weighty, with lot of inertia, not to mention the input lag. It is even less responsive the default Witcher 3 movement was (and then CDP made it MGS5-like responsive with the patch).
But I don’t really consider that a flaw - just a design decision that I don’t mind much, I get used to it quickly and don’t have problems controlling the guy.
If there is one mechanics-related issue I had with RDR2, it is that the aiming in free aim does not feel good, so I used the aim assist. But it didn’t negatively impact my experience.

In total, I spent around 150 hours in RDR2 and enjoyed every second (even if there are things in it I was not a fan of) and I am still playing the epilogue and loving it.

In God of War, I spent around 40 hours and wanted it to end quite badly by the end.