~The Game Pass Thread~

That Genesis Noir game looks pretty interesting.

oh God…

Woah, nice. And Star Wars: Squadrons will be available tomorrow too on PC.

Of course, my PC can’t handle that game, which is why I returned it when I bought it at launch. But once I get a new PC, that’ll be the first game I want to play on it.

Genesis Noir was wacky. Xbox did an indie demo weekend last year (for E3 maybe?) with time-limited demos for a ton of weird stuff, and GN was in there. It was… interesting for sure.

Really? I thought Squadrons was pretty light. Anyway I plan to play it on XSX, never bought it on PC and prefer a gamepad for obvious reasons.


I think it’s probably light on GPU, and heavier than my CPU from 2009 can handle? All I know is, it would run for a few frames, then pause for 5 seconds, then run for a few frames, then pause for 5 seconds. It was basically unplayable. (But gorgeous).

Sweet! BeenLooking forward to trying ME:Andromeda

This is because I complained, you’re welcome.

Yeah you have. Make sure you post impressions back in the MEA thread!

This will step you through getting the Xbox and EA apps and accounts joined initially. But I also noticed in the video that we’ll be getting not just EA games but a bunch of third party stuff that’s part of EA Play as well. Guess we’ll find out tomorrow exactly what that entails.

You can see the list here:

Looks like that’s a lot more games on that list than the last time I subscribed to EA play for the PC. At the top are EA games, and there’s multiple pages of it, but ignore the multiple pages and keep scrolling down the page to see all the 3rd party games.

Oh cool, They Are Billions is on that list. Been meaning to pick that up forever.

Interesting. Looks like there are titles in that video as she scrolls along at around 2:30 that aren’t listed on that page (e.g. Dungeon Keeper)

Hmm How does this work if i already had both EA premium and Game pass ultimate? I pre paid for the one year of the EA one about 6 months ago and i have cheap Game pass subs preloaded going for he next 19 months. I suspect i just get screwed since its not Like an Xbox gold to Game pass thing.

I would guess you’ll maintain your EA Play membership through Game Pass in six months, when your paid membership expires.

For the people who had EA play on Xbox they converted it to Game Pass Ultimate time. Not sure if they’ll handle the PC the same way.

Hmm. I just made sure it wouldn’t auto renew but don’t see any verbiage at EA yet about it. Hopefully they’ll covert the remainder over to GP ultimate as you said. I paid about $8.33 a month for the EA pro which is right around my cost avg for GP if not even a little lower :)