~The Game Pass Thread~

Is there a deal to get Gamepass for PC if I already have Gamepass for Xbox?

Isn’t GamePass for Xbox already GamePass Ultimate which includes PC?

Wait, what?! I always thought they were different things! Thanks so much, now at least my backlog will be free.

edit: Ah, they are different things. You have to upgrade an existing Gamepass for Xbox to Gamepass Ultimate and pay a couple more bucks a month.

Oh wild. I don’t have an Xbox, so all I ever see are GamePass for PC for $10 and GamePass Ultimate (which includes both) for $15. Are you able to subscribe to “GamePass for Xbox” for $10?

Console: $10/month
PC + EA Play on PC: $10/month
Ultimate (Console + PC + Cloud + EA Play console + EA Play PC): $15/month

Thanks - I didn’t realise EA Play was free with PC Gamepass, I believe it’s additional for Xbox.

@Kolbex - I am already subscribed to Gamepass Xbox for $10, so as LMN8R shared, it’s $5 more a month for both. I’m thinking about it, but for Total War 3 alone, it probably pays for itself.

Check the pre-order in the store first.

It’s got some weird prices outside of the US.

I have to say Microsoft still selling advanced access to games prior to release date with deluxe editions feels a bit counter to them also promising first day access for first party titles with Game Pass.

Not sure what this is all about.

Some sort of enhanced Orange Box release?

That’s the first place my brain went to, but the orange box is like ten or so years old at this point right? Still, they are good games.

More like 13 or 14? Anyway, “Half-Life 3 Confirmed!!1!” and all that…

Insomniac was just tweeting about Sunset Overdrive so that’s what my mind goes to but that was already on GP.

I hope they release that on the Playstation at some point, it never got the audience it should have.

Jeez Gamepass, space this stuff out a bit.

Also, don’t know anything about this game, but here’s another -

Nice I’ve been wanting to play that one.

Same. I think The Besties were big fans. It sounded interesting.

Me too. I’ve got nothing on that orange tease.

Looks like Forza Horizon 5 is metacritic’s top game of the year. Just a few hours left before we can all play it :)

Nice, that one was a game I’ve been interested in checking out. When are we supposed to find time for all this? Forza comes out tomorrow, I’m guessing that is going to keep me busy for a while.