The Gamecock guys really are cocks

I was suprised to find this out too.

I think they’re still waiting on the paperwork to rename it The CSI Channel to go through.

There’s really a company called Gamecock?

No wonder Dave Long is full of self-loathing. What’s next, a company called Playaz that makes games targeted to African-Americans?

Oh god. I was flicking through the channels when this was on and caught a couple seconds of this. They were announcing a long list of celebrities who would be appearing. I didn’t recognize most of the names on the list but the ones I did recognize had absolutely nothing to do with gaming. Needless to say I immediately decided to turn it off.

That clip was one of the lamest things I’ve ever seen. Wow. Just… wow. The guitarist shredding along with the orchestra, the casino meets rock & roll meets video games theme, the presenters, the naked woman envelope stand-in. It’s just too much! I feel like someone just injected a huge dose of douchebag straight into my eyeballs. If it gets any lamer they run the risk of alienating even their moronic Mountain-Dew-swilling man-boy demographic.

It was probably impossible to tell the official bullshit from the unofficial bullshit.

UFC does very well for them I hear.

Proof that this show is nailing its target audience far better then we are giving it credit for.

I thought everyone was kidding about this for some reason, until I watched the clip. It’s just to stupid to actually be true, yet it is true.

Hey now. Don’t compare it to Maxim. Maxim gave Bioshock a 3/5.

I donno. Ken looked more amused than confused.

I could be giving them more credit than they deserve, but a gamecock is a an actual word used to describe any fowl bred for fighting. It’s entirely possible that they named themselves for their colorful plumage and fighting spirit. Or they’re big fans of General Thomas Sumter, who was known as the gamecock for his prowess on the field! …yeah, I’m probably giving them too much credit.

Now if the award painted ladies were pornstars I think it’d be interesting to see BioShock bobble a little more when she turned around.

Might even have to watch more award shows like it.

I’m pretty sure the guitarist is TommyTallarico who plays with Marty O’Donnell at VGL, which Tallarico is the co-creator of.

Gamecock Media Group is an Austin, Texas-based video game publisher founded by video game industry veterans Mike Wilson, Harry Miller and Rick Stults who all launched Gathering of Developers. The publisher claims to use a more hands-off approach and allows developers to keep their own intellectual property.

I guess Substance TV didn’t work out.

I have to say, I liked the ladyvelope. It was a well done painting of the game’s logo. On a lady. It required more effort than some doofus opening an envelope and reading it, anyway.

Especially when the audience is waiting with baited breath for the lovely painted assets moreso than the actual winner.

Yeah it is, he tours with the VGL, which is a pretty awesome show to go to, if you can catch it in your town.

Edit: Don’t knock the VGL orchestra :( They’re really super awesome, even though they participated in that horrible awards ceremony.

Ooh, I’ll bet you missed the most l33t part of all, when the guitar player and the conductor leapt from the conductor’s podium at the same time after playing the Halo 3 (and Halo 2 and maybe Halo) theme. It was AWESOME!! I threw up in my mouth a little.

My favourite memory of Blizzcon is watching Videogames Live, led by Tommy Talarico trying to shred as the orchestra played the Goldshire theme.

I think he was trying a little too hard.

I didn’t even recognize Tallarico. I was watching on my itty-bitty TV.

I know what a gamecock is, but thanks. And yes, giving them any credit above COCK HURRR GEDDIT is too much. I bet their games are great, too.

Check out last week’s 1up show. They talked about Dementium: the Ward quite a bit.