The ghost of PCXL?

Just what we need, another magazine that perpetuates gamer stereotypes!

I was watching CNN Headline news the other morning before work, and they were “interviewing” the assclown that edits this piece of garbage. Great looking guy with nice manners, the sort of fellas who probably scores a lot with the airbrushed babes in his rag. NOT. Looked at the wife and went, “Yeah, that dork is doing just great on eliminating the horny pimplefaced sallow greasyhaired pizza addict stereotype.”

Then I went in and played some Hentai adventure games



Heh, interesting review list they’ve got there.

What, you’re not dying to hear Shannon Elizabeth’s views on the state of the gaming industry?

Plus, look at their list of reviews! These guys are so on top of things that they have reviews of games that aren’t even finished yet, like SOCOM II and Lock-On: Modern Air Combat! Wow!

You mean like Neverwinter Nights did? ;) And that NWN Maxim ad would fit perfectly in that mag!

But kudos for not doing so with KOTOR.

i thought kotor had a lesbian subplot?

Ah sho do likes them purty gurls, though!

You mean like Neverwinter Nights did? ;) And that NWN Maxim ad would fit perfectly in that mag!

But kudos for not doing so with KOTOR.[/quote]

Hey, talk to the marketing department not me.

Hmmm, interesting. Stuff’s always been a T3 alternative over here.

It’s another time machine magazine. Says the issue’s out now and the claim to have reviews for games not even released yet, like Painkiller.

Hmmm, interesting. Stuff’s always been a T3 alternative over here.[/quote]

T3 alternative?

Yeah. T3’s a tech magazine that my lot do, Stuff is basically the Dennis version (or at least, it was - I haven’t read it for a couple of years), full of gadgets and things.

Hmmm, interesting. Stuff’s always been a T3 alternative over here.[/quote]

T3 alternative?[/quote]

UK (?) Tech magazine
Is Stuff Games going to start having digital covergirls once the font of females doing voice-over work dries up?

Hahaha what?

That game is still in alpha… Didn’t it just have an alpha multiplayer test organized?

You mean like Neverwinter Nights did? ;) And that NWN Maxim ad would fit perfectly in that mag!

But kudos for not doing so with KOTOR.[/quote]

Well, since Stuff (like Blender) is the same publishing house as Maxim, it’s not surprise that Stuff Gamer is basically Maxim+Games, nor would it surprise to see many ads like the NWN one.

You mean like Neverwinter Nights did? ;) And that NWN Maxim ad would fit perfectly in that mag!

But kudos for not doing so with KOTOR.[/quote]

Well, since Stuff (like Blender) is the same publishing house as Maxim, it’s not surprise that Stuff Gamer is basically Maxim+Games, nor would it surprise to see many ads like the NWN one.[/quote]

The NWN ad is pretty mild compared to a lot of stuff I have seen used for games and I don’t mean BMX XXX. That being said, I never really liked the idea behind it. I guess that horny guys reading Maxim might have bought the game, but somehow I doubt it.

Is Stuff Games going to start having digital covergirls once the font of females doing voice-over work dries up?

Yeah. What are the odds they’ll be doing a Lani Minella or Jennifer Hale special?

Just to clarify, Stuff Gamer is more like Stuff Magazine + Games. Whether you see a difference between Stuff or Maxim is totally your call, but Maxim is certainly the better of the two.

When they announced this a few months ago, I contacted the PR firm to find out if this is a regular magazine or a one-off. It’s a one-off, or possibly a test for a potential new magazine.

They already reviewed every single game on the planet, why do they need another issue?