The GOP is still morally corrupt, even if Discourse breaks

Even if they had, it doesn’t necessarily preclude us from making fun of it. It’s goofy either way, made even more goofy in this case by the fact that Trump’s approval numbers are sinking.

Surely making fun of one doesn’t preclude making fun of the other.

Even if they did, the content in this memo is hilariously ludicrous and objectively wrong. 🍄

Yeah well that’s not the most embarrassing part. They also called his presidency effective.

Nothing says “confidence” like shouting loudly about how confident you are.

And “pragmatic.” “Innovative communicator”. 'Gets to the point of an issue succinctly."

Honestly, this has to be a fucking troll. It’s literally a bunch of statements that are the exact opposite of what Trump is.

By this point everyone has surely figured out that this is exactly what convervatives do-- claim to be the opposite of what they are, then claim that their enemies are what they actually are.

Nunes was in town today and appeared on the local conservative radio station. As far as Nunes and the local guy are concerned Stone is being charged with info that Nune’s Committee gave Meuller, which is fine with them as apparently Stone is not a very popular guy. They really went off about him giving the Nixonesque hand signal upon leaving the court house.

I imagine they’ll keep throwing people to the wolves as they’re indicted, including Nunes himself hopefully someday.

Something else Nunes commented on, and that was about Trump playing the emergency card. He said he didn’t think that would work as the courts would shoot it down. Kinda surprised me to hear him admit that. I think congressional GOP members know that rump has lost this.

I mean, it is pretty obvious that any emergency declared about the southern border would not pass muster with the supreme court.

The declaration of emergency presidential powers is something that is written as a safety net for the executive branch to make snap decisions that can’t wait for congress to enact. This is for huge time-sensitive events of national security and safety.

Trump can sell that to his base, but not to the Supreme Court. Even with a conservative majority, using emergency powers is overstepping the traditional boundaries of the executive branch of government, and if we know anything about the branches of government, nobody likes being stepped over, and the Supreme Court has final say.

If Truman couldn’t get his steel mills during a war, I doubt Trump will get his wall during peace time. Especially when the precedent was set that a President can’t unilaterally seize private property without congressional approval. (And building a wall would involve seizing private property)

Of course Nune’s beef was that the evil 9th District court would never allow it. I don’t think he thought it would even make it to the SCOTUS.

If Trump threatens to invoke emergency powers to build the wall Nancy should threaten impeachment on grounds of abuse of power. I posted an article Atlantic about impeachments and while it certainly possible it could back fire on the Democrats. I think there is a better than half chance the article is right and being impeach would put a damper on Trump and force him to be on his best behavior. At minimum it would make Trump beholdened to couple dozen GOP Senator who could easily force to back track on things like Tarrifs, Syria, the Wall,NATO etc. or risk losing his freedom and fortune

I think he Dems should stop talking impeachment until they actually have something that the GOP can’t ignore. Otherwise nothing will happen and they will look like Gingrich trying to impeach Clinton.

In other news, the SCOTUS decision in Hobby Lobby leads, as predicted, to state-endorsed and state-sponsored religious discrimination.

RBG is literally my hero. She should get a damn monument.

Also, apparently Roger Stone’s lawyer is a novelist.


Trump’s actions may actually end up resulting in a significant reduction of scope for hobby lobby, as this is almost certainly going to result in a legal challenge, and the damage caused to religious minorities is going to be pretty obvious rather than theoretical.

You may very well be right. Let’s hope so.

Remember that everything Trump does ends up being dumb and results in a failure for those involved.