The GOP is still morally corrupt, even if Discourse breaks

They’re too stupid to be afraid. Seriously. The should be afraid of being so close to so many people but are not. They should be afraid of shoving cops around but are not.

A show of force would just create martyrs out of them.

I think I’m okay risking that for the side benefits though.

There’s nothing wrong with this country that can’t be cured by pit-traps. Just Swiss-Family Robinson the state capitols to prevent future incursions.

I think it would scare folks into no more Nazi protesting. Folks who punch down are fundamentally cowards, and won’t make martyrs.

Martyrs only come from punching up.

“Culling the herd” immunity.

You guys all laughed at my deadly traps plan, but who’s laughing now?

This is a real Trump party candidate for Congress. Stranger than fiction.

I mean, in the sense that Trumpers today want to go back to the 1920s, sure.

Turns out, they’re gonna end up going back to the 30’s.

It’s a commentary on how awful the world will be in 100 years.

Lambskin? I would prefer latex actually.

Lambskin? I think they are taking the fleecing the rubes thing too literally.

God, that’s gross. GOP hopefuls feel that the path to victory is right through Trump’s anus.

Whatever happened to “a government of laws, not men”?

You don’t elect a malignant toad like DJT without widespread moral and ethical decay.

Remember, it’s just parasites leaching onto parasites. Limbaugh to O’Reilly to Fox to Hannity to FOX to Carlson.

It’s not Oligarchy, it’s Parasite-archy. Parasitarchy. Guys like Landry and Lindell above just see another angle to parasite. Government by salesmen, where the sucker is the voter and everyone is lining up for a lead.

Planting a tree in your name in Israel: Not just a bad bar mitzvah gift anymore!

This sort of thing has been going on for a while:

I mean, there are legitimately qualified people who also meet the conservative Heritage Foundation’s notion of proper judicial philosophy, but the GOP feels the need / urge to make fuck you nominations like this one. And you can’t blame this all on Trump, cuz the Senate could just tell Trump to withdraw this turd and send someone slightly less obviously turdish. Instead they smile and confirm.

Terrifying Opening Arguments on how an easily skipped provision of the CARES act allows Trump’s hand picked Federal Reserve board to allocate billions, in secret, and keep no records.

Welfare Queens!

Why would the graft of some scumbag officials result in reduction of TANF allotment to the state? That makes no sense at all.