The Great Like Experiment of 2017

I would still remove them. I haven’t seen the sort of catastrophic gamification I saw on other boards, and beyond this thread people seem to be largely ignoring them, but they don’t actually add anything to the discussion either.

Yeah, that is why I think if we do turn on the likes for good, we should say, lets regroup in 6 months or a year to see if anything has changed bad or good.

If likes don’t change anything about the culture here, I don’t care if they are in or not. I just know a few other forum communities where likes are basically currency.

I look forward to the month off to prove that “likes do no good.”

Just when we do the voting, include an option for ‘I don’t care much either way’. Because I suspect the true sentiment runs that direction for some majority.

I look forward to learning absolutely nothing from this exercise and ultimately we collectively go, Fuck it just flip a coin.

You get a like because I wish more people took a stand for apathy.

Without likes, there will be no little heart icons. I feel like that will make the forum seem less loving.

I’m willing to develop a strongly held opinion in one direction or another for whoever the highest bidder is. I will argue this side vociferously and threaten the lives and livelihoods of all who disagree without concern.

Trump got elected on likes!

I think you just sealed @ArmandoPenblade’s vote!

What if I told you that @Cormac … is Russian!

In the midst of reading the enormous Exalted 3rd Edition ruleset, I can pretty definitively state that Trump rolled a massive success on a Read Intentions of the American electorate and then used the “Hates Brown People (Defining)” Principle on 60-odd million people to roll another huge success for Persuade against them.

I think that is a really hard thing to quantify, as people’s posting habits aren’t going to change overnight… and the number of people I see in the games forum going “Oh, I didn’t know there were likes!” kinda shows that the community isn’t even fully aware of the change yet (which also speaks well to the un-intrusiveness).

But, I am probably in the camp that they really add nothing, so why bother.

I disagree. If you truly don’t care, just don’t vote. Otherwise, pick yea or nay.

As long as we count them as “no” votes!

I think precisely the contrary has been demonstrated over and over, and even supporters have cited the primary harm I see (“liking” instead of posting) as a natural part of them. They just think it’s a good thing. But even if you disagree, I contend they also have demonstrated no particular positive value.

Meaning, “No, I don’t NOT want likes!”

I ‘liked’ this and I will also reply. This is the way I feel. If they’re here and I remember, I’ll occasionally use them. If they are gone I won’t miss them.

I don’t like likes. So I will like anyone who says they dislike liking. Like, is that okay.

See that’s why you also post to tell people why you liked them. Context is everything - got to say, hey you just got an ironic like from scuzz! So they’ll know this wasn’t just any old garden variety like. This means something, dammit.