The Great Like Experiment of 2017

I might be way more excited about this than a reasonable person should be and am thus reluctant to ask this question. But ask I must! What time tomorrow are likes being enabled?

I"m going to guess it’s ‘when tom gets up’ o’clock? :)

Sorry, I couldn’t resist posting some like bait to your question abidingdude.

heh, now that I think about it, if I were a betting man, I’d bet on some time tonight (2:45am?)

I do kinda hate seeing people.

But I’m pro-avatar, because they actually improve usability. I can recognize who’s posting at a glance by their distinct avatar without reading their name.

Pretty straightforward reason. (emphasis mine)

@stusser Right the first time.

I am very pro avatar as well, for that reason. It’s also really fun because for BSG games a number of people have also used them to flag their character, which helps me too ;)

Yeah, I find avatars useful because I can much more readily associate a “face” than a name to somebody. Also, it amuses me that some posters think of me in context of Zoidberg.

I’m not sure why I dislike avatars - I think I’m just old and find it distracting, since I’m here for text (mostly). Also, I’m really bad with names, and avatars make it that much worse for me - I start only knowing people by their avatar and not their name at all. Which sounds silly because many of us are using aliases anyway, but… whatever. Also, I’m totally hypocritical in my dislike for them, because there are other places (not forums) where I think they make sense and have their place.

No, it’s not, actually.

/backs away slowly from thread

Same. For me, only a few of them work as “faces” in the sense that I recognize and associate them quickly. Tim’s Joe Camel works. divedivedive Pogue Mahone’s Zoidberg works. But a lot of others just never really register except as visual interference. That said, I don’t dislike them here at all.

Also same, except the opposite. Another forum I read runs on more advanced software and supports an ignore feature (and spaces in usernames, so jealous), and I’ve actually used it to filter out posters on the basis of their rotten avatars. Heck, maybe they worked as intended!

If I like this post and humanity is destroyed, it will be as if he never existed.

I used to post on a forum centred around the local live-music scene and it was very active. I’d often meet people in real life and the conversation often went like this:

Me: “Hey, do you post on Prestone?”
Them: “Yeah sure, my name is X on there”
Me: “I’ve never seen that name before in my life”
Them: “Really? The guy with the lionel-rich-tea avatar?”
Me: “OH SHIT YEAH OF COURSE I read like 20 of your posts a day”

i.e. I can’t keep people’s names straight, but I know the avatars well!

(e.g. I had no idea @divedivedive’s name is divedivedive. It’s “ZOIDBERG FACE” to me)

No full unicode in a username?! Why do you hate “🍻Pod🍻” as a username?! Emojis should be allowed anywhere.

Maybe your @ mechanism should be more robust, @wumpus! Facebook seems to handle spaces just fine…

I can’t because there are too many different avatars. I have no trouble recognizing who’s posting simply by looking at the name. You’re stusser. Without looking I have no idea what your avatar looks like, but I recognize stusser.

I ignore the avatars. I wouldn’t mind an option to turn them off. I think giving users options is a good thing. Likewise, I’d like to make the likes invisible too. Likes are something I don’t want to think about or be aware of.

Hiding avatars works, because they’re just a bit of visual distinction. Hiding likes doesn’t, because the effect of likes on the conversation still exists whether or not you personally can see them.

I thought the assumption was that likes wouldn’t influence the conversation but would be a quick way of agreeing with a post?

If likes do have an influence, then that’s what we should be discussing – is it an influence that betters the conversation? If we have a lot of mini-popularity contests going on, I don’t think that’s a change for the better.

Regardless, if likes are going to be a part of the forum, I would appreciate the option to not see them.

That isn’t showing much Humility.

My chief concern has been that people will like posts instead of actually replying to them, which has been my consistent experience of Facebook, Disqus and non-Qt3 Discourse forums.