The Gunk - made by the Steamworld developers.

Xbox and PC Gamepass only (for now). Releases December 16th.

Noticed this on gp earlier today. Been looking forward to it for a while.

Yay! Thanks for making this thread Lord King! I never knew where to talk about this game before that.

IGN has the first 15 minutes and some other youtuber the 90 and dealing with the Gunk looks tedious and unfun. Like a duller version of cleaning the paint up in Mario Sunshine. Maybe (hopefully) the game opens up more after that but the early parts do not look exciting.

Recommended by Eurogamer.

I’m installing now.

Love it so far. I’m in Ch 4 I think. Nothing stressful. Quite linear so far. But the Polish level is quite good as you’d expect from this dev. And unlike firewatch, the traversal feels good.

I did manage to softlock myself once (had an autosave just before). The funniest part is that the action that led to the softlock also netted me an achievement

This is a pretty chill game from what I’ve seen so far in it. I’m not real fast in the game, but it’s worth checking out I’d say. Kind of reminds me of some older titles from companies like Rare.

It’s okay, Timex’s Autocorrect, most of us here are getting on in years and don’t play as quickly as we used to.


My autocorrect is undefeated.

One of these days I’m going to intentionally just stop even trying to constrain it.

Ok yeah this is a very B game, but as Game Pass filler it’s fine. It’s super indie in the story, it’s a couple working through relationship issues over an alien disaster that’s a climate change metaphor. Around 4 hours or so to beat it, fairly linear and very little challenge in either the combat or puzzles. A game doesn’t need to be challenging to have engaging gameplay, see Unpacking which is not remotely challenging but is engaging. I think the core problem is dealing with the Gunk is never very interesting and mostly feels like busy work. Also despite being linear they do manage to have a level with poor signposting that is kind of annoying near the end.

More like 10 for me, I think. I enjoyed it for what it was.

Save file lists time played . I could see another hour or even two looking for all the resources (that said I finished with all but one upgrade I think) but I’m not sure how you get another six hours out of it.

You’re right, I just looked. It was more like 6.

Over 7.5 Gb update today!

Thats a lot of Gunk!

What can they update that would need that much space? Or was it the kind of update where they did a few bug fixes but then made you download the whole game again? (I’ve already uninstalled it, so I don’t recall how big the entire game was.)

I played through it over a couple of evenings, and my total played time was probably around 6 hours or so. I uninstalled it once I finished because it doesn’t seem like the kind of game I’d be likely to replay, so I can’t look at my save game file for the exact number.

That said, my impressions mostly mirror @forgeforsaken’s. The game was very linear, none of the puzzles were particularly challenging, and dealing with the gunk didn’t feel particularly satisfying. I had all the upgrades well before the end of the game, so there was never really any need to go hunting for materials… that is, I never had to go out of my way or backtrack for anything.

I enjoyed the game well enough for what it was, but I probably wouldn’t have bought it otherwise.

Ahhh, this is probably it then. I probably did miss a bunch of scans. I don’t recall how many I had by the end, but I’m certain it wasn’t 16.

That said, I never once felt underpowered throughout the whole game.

I thought this was one of the most mediocre, 5/10 games I ever finished. Nothing about it stood out at all, but nothing about it was actively bad either.

I’ve been enjoying the Gunk Mechanic too. It makes me think that maybe I’ll enjoy a Ghostbuster game or the Luigi’s Mansion games, or maybe a vacuum cleaning game.

I’m only about 3-4 hours into the game so far. I felt like I was lost on where to go next with the third part of the bridge that has to be turned for me to move on, but I finally cracked that one.

I feel like a few games have done this recently, Kena was one and I thought it looked cooler there.

Another would be Concrete Genie from a couple years ago, which is closer to The Gunk in gameplay, and I thought was also a much more interesting game, paintng was more fun and engaging than sucking up Gunk.
You can see a transition at around 1:20 in the trailer