The Horror, the Horror: Battlefield Vietnam

from, with apologies to Denny Atkin:

GameSpy Daily is reporting that a search at the US Patent and Trademark Office’s website reveals that Digital Illusions, developer of Battlefield 1942, has filed for a trademark for the name Battlefield Vietnam. Of course this doesn’t mean that the game is actually being worked on, but it’s indeed a possibility. First a rush of WW2 action games, now the Vietnam war is set to follow it seems with Line of Sight: Vietnam, Vietcong, Men of Valor: Vietnam and possibly Operation Flashpoint 2 and Battlefield Vietnam.

This might sound stupid, but are we seeing more Vietnam games now because they’re more technologically feasible, or because the developers see that they can make them without getting crucified?

Both reasons.

I remember when Nam (aka Napalm) came out c. '97, a number of UseNet posters attacked the game just for what it was about. (And though it did get trashed in the gaming press, it was a pretty snazzy little shooter. Just too short.)

I’ve yet to see any of the new breed of Vietnam games attacked on principle.



Just cancel that. :)