The I'm drunk thread

Edited for clarity!

Where do we post picture of our cool edibles? Is that still only P&R’ish?

As the unofficial mascot of this thread I welcome your edibles. But I’m only one man…

I 'preciate ya, Rich. Yeah I don’t want to junk up the thread for folks not into that. Hell I’m unsure if that even gets a thread or if that is against other opinions here.

FWIW, they are good. I would share if I were in Orlando.

I support this being the Drunk/High thread!

I would accept! I haven’t had an edible since the 70s. So I’m probably a lightweight. But nothing ventured nothing gained, eh?

Well I guess TBD on content, or can be removed if offensive. From someone who is a lightweight, two 1/4s of a brownie and a gummy were, to the wise words of Goldilocks, “just right.”

The gummy was double strength Jello of the flavor Edible Grass. I’m not joking.

Cheers, to anyone enjoying themselves today.

And I’ve still enjoyed the day: been outside, watched Mortal Engines, helped make au gratin potatoes with some smoked turkey, and I’m currently playing some modded minecraft.

I love how I don’t lose the day vs drinking.

Hey now! No drink shaming here! :)

herp derp hic.

Both edibles and vaping put me to sleep. I lose more “of the day” doing pot than drinking. I didn’t have this problem when I was a kid.

This should be the Quarter to Three motto.

Edit: Watching Father Ted. May have partaken of the herb. And drink.

Think I blew out a gasket …


I don’t think any of us did, getting old sure sucks. To be fair, I wasn’t a big partaker of marijuana growing up. It bothers my lungs, etc. Edibles mostly put me to sleep but occasionally they are fun. Vaping isn’t as bad I don’t think. I’m just not a big -smoke- type person.

Today was a good day though.

Heh. My friends and I in high school smoked a fuck ton of weed. We had hash, hash oil, opium and opiated hash. We would hang out in my friend Hal’s mother’s apartment. Back in the old days we had weed called things like Panama Red and Acapulco Gold and Buddah Sticks. Buddah Sticks were pretty much what we have now. Buds on a stick wrapped in plant fiber.

Then there was using dried corn husks to make conical joints that were HUGE.

I made chocolate pudding with ground weed once. The wife and I ate a bowl each. We left the rest on a low table. Then we went shopping at 2AM at 24 hour supermarket a few train stops from our house on the train. Shit didn’t kick in until we were in the store. We had a bunch of stuff in a shopping cart. Suddenly my legs just gave up. I looked at my wife and said, do you feel this? And she was like yeah. We have to go.

We just left the cart and stumbled to the subway. It was like walking in molasses.

When we got home our dog was lying with his head in his water dish. He decided to lick the bowl clean. He was fucked up and so were we.

Then I decided to start taking LSD. The memories get blurry from there. :(

I guess I wrote that to write this. I am a lightweight now. It has been so many years and drugs under the bridge…

I can drink a lot of alcohol. Not brag, just fact son. By the way, that’s from The Guns of Will Sonnett.

But weed to me these days has one job. Well maybe 1 1/2 jobs. Get me mellow.

Make me hungry enough to eat a pet who is slower than me.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed college quite a bit and tried a ton of stuff. None of it stuck, per se, but following college with the military kind of put the kibosh on anything but alcohol anyway. These days? I see marijuana in an entirely different light. I hang around with my girlfriend’s younger coworkers and have learned a ton in the last several years, both in methods of use as well as just how much things have changed. You can vary the effects very succinctly with different strains or blends and it is many times more potent for those effects than when I tried it back in the day.

Indica today will get you mellow and then some. And strangely, that is one of the effects that hits me a bit too hard. It doesn’t get me mellow it makes me lay down and take a nap. Sativa, on the other hand, is quite awesome to me. I get lifted in a way that I can still think, enjoy things, be conversational, etc.

You would think edibles would have a one for one with their strain but they do not. Not for me at least. So it’s a toss up as to how they affect me.

As for alcohol I’m similar. I just slowly get more and more tired each drink. I could just be describing life after 50, but well, we’re in the I’m Drunk thread so it applies to drinking as well.

God I wish I was 20 again.

Narrator: So then you’ll ask how did I end up getting drunk at the Chicago Museum of Natural History trying in beard apps.
IMG_4257 IMG_4260

IMG_4259 The Field has a surpassingly good flight vodka, gin and rye.

Welcome to Chi town, I hope you enjoyed the snow.

We didn’t but we saw Trevor Noah so that’s ok.