Some Incremental/Idle/Clicker Games (including really a lot of Incremental Epic Hero 2)

I’m working my way through Prestige Tree and Game Dev Tree. I appreciate the clever theming of the latter.

The problem with both, especially Prestige Tree is that it doesn’t seem to adequately explain the relationship between all the parts. Or maybe I just don’t grok it entirely–that’s possible. It doesn’t really matter–I mostly just click the next thing I can and see how big my productivity boost is and decide what I’m doing next based off that. But I’m sure there’s areas where I’m being totally inefficient. I’ve definitely had some big slowdowns in both games over the last couple days.

Would love to see a game along these lines that clearly explains everything (if that’s possible) and has a nice coherent theme. Something like Universal Paperclips is probably a theme that makes sense. Game dev is cute, but completely breaks down after you’ve sold eight gajillion games to publishers…