Some Incremental/Idle/Clicker Games (including really a lot of Incremental Epic Hero 2)

I gave up the first time it reset half my shit for buying something in row 4. I’m not starting over again and again, I already did that a bunch.

I had the same reaction, but then I had a really boring meeting, so…

That’s kinda the whole gimmick of this game though. There’s barely any clicking, it’s all about the “prestige”, which somewhere along the line became gaming lingo for resetting a bunch of meaningful progress but advancing some other meta level you can’t advance any other way.

Granted, but I found it frustrating nevertheless. :)

Even though prestiging is literally the name of the game, it really only does a full-ish reset 3 or 4 times throughout the game. It generally very quickly gives you the ability to avoid the full reset after the first one. And it usually only takes a couple of minutes to get back to where you were.

Does anyone happen to have a Prestige Tree save from just before unlocking HB and SS (or somewhere round there)? I got a save corruption bug and my only backup is from ages ago.

Edit: Never mind, managed to fix it.

Finished it. Got Hung up on Row 7 due to a hidden update I missed in the prior rows.

I gave up at row 7 (I think? The one with MB and machines and gears) when it became a different sort of game. I don’t mind that sort of clicker — Realm Grinder does great things with it — but it’s not what I signed up for and the UI doesn’t really help with the experimentation.

Agreed, I was investing in completing it, but Row 6 and 7 were a slog and I was done.

edit: Nevermind. Had to re-spec my hyperspace buildings :(

I’m stuck on row 7 as well. I don’t see anything new in previous rows that I missed. I can get more gears, but more gears don’t do anything. I can’t complete any of the gear challenges, and re-specing mastery bricks doesn’t seem to help. I don’t see anything else I can do.

I effectively gave up at that point too, for the same reasons. Except by “gave up” I mean I started following a walkthrough posted in the Discord channel, just to see it through.

Clickers shouldn’t need detailed walkthrough to understand what’s required to advance. Sure, guides on optimizing progress make sense, but this is a little different.

I’m working my way through Prestige Tree and Game Dev Tree. I appreciate the clever theming of the latter.

The problem with both, especially Prestige Tree is that it doesn’t seem to adequately explain the relationship between all the parts. Or maybe I just don’t grok it entirely–that’s possible. It doesn’t really matter–I mostly just click the next thing I can and see how big my productivity boost is and decide what I’m doing next based off that. But I’m sure there’s areas where I’m being totally inefficient. I’ve definitely had some big slowdowns in both games over the last couple days.

Would love to see a game along these lines that clearly explains everything (if that’s possible) and has a nice coherent theme. Something like Universal Paperclips is probably a theme that makes sense. Game dev is cute, but completely breaks down after you’ve sold eight gajillion games to publishers…

It’s not just that it doesn’t explain, it’s that it goes out of its way to make everything as unmemorable nonsense as possible. You couldn’t remember the relationships between any two resources or concepts when both the resources and the nature of the connection mean nothing. Also, you’d need to visualize a a five deept dependency graph of logistic growth curve with mutual feedback cycles. Doesn’t seem humanly possible.

For most of the game it is fine, since you’re indeed doing basically nothing but clicking on the one button that works at any time. In the late game the interactions become more complicated when you need to decide which buildings from a large set you need to enable at which time. The problem is that if the player has no mental model for what the different buildings do alone or in combination, there’s just no way to solve those sequences other than trial and error.

Agree here. It’s the main weakness of this clicker for sure. If you’re gonna make it text based, you need to show formulas or at least show how all the rates are affected by things you click in real time.

I did find a modded version that the original author did with some nice changes.

The rewritten version is actually the official version now :) But there are many many mods of the original.

It took me a few re-arrangements and manual resetting on row 7 to internalize the 2-3 combos I had to cycle through to advance. After that it was pretty quick. Don’t forget to look at the super generator upgrades again; I forgot about the second new one.

Ok, how the heck to refactors work in Game Dev Tree? Am I supposed to leave them on? Turn them on to raise the multiplier then turn them off? Why are there four of them when they all do the same thing?

It’s a little vague, but I think they gain a productivity bonus based on how quickly you can gain experience while they’re on. Turn one on them spam ‘U’ and ‘E’ until the productivity bonus plateaus. Then turn that one off and turn on another and do the same. The total productivity bonus is all of them multiplied together. You should easily be able to get that into the 1000x per refactor range (=1000^4 total productivity bonus) before you unlock your first endpoint.

Thanks. I guess I was doing it sort of right. I have 5 endpoints, 3 goodwill, and 1 diploma, and cannot figure out what combination of upgrades I have to use to get any more. Totally stuck.