The insects, arachnids and myriapods pictures thread

Hey I got a question for any photo editing peoples out there. In the following picture, what’s the best way to remove the out of focus blade of grass that’s on the left hand side in the foreground? I’ve tried using the burn tool, and it seems to work somewhat well, but I want to make sure there’s nothing better available. If it were against a less busy background I’d use the healing tool, but I don’t think it would work well here. It would be nice if I could somehow just selectively “burn” that particular hue so as not to destroy any other details, but I’m kind of a newbie at this so I’m not sure how to do that (or if it would even work well).

Another Grasshopper

Spider Eating a Weevil on Goldenrod

Ugly Ass Waterbug

Unfortunate picture of a Ladybug on Takeoff … that’s 1 centimeter out of focus …

Can’t help, but that ladybug picture is awesome and beautiful in its preview frame (unlike pictures that are ugly most of the time and need to be clicked to reveal their beauty). You may have mastered the art of good looking previews on the forum! More seriously, it’s really great.

And that waterbug isn’t ugly, I find it very cute.

Oh I suppose! It’s actually the first one I’d seen. It landed right next to me and I swear it was an inch and a half long if it were…an inch.

It was big, is what I’m saying.

And thanks for the kind words! I’m holding myself back from buying a fancy Nikkor macro lens. I could see this hobby becoming expensive in a hurry.

Really great shots, Penny! Wish I could help with Photoshop tips but… nope.

There’s no easy way of doing that I’m afraid. You’re on the money with the burn tool though, I’ve just coupled that with the sharpen tool as well to temper some of the softer edges. I did a little bit of knocking the highlights back too with the burn tool just to keep the focus more central. Beyond that you’re getting into patching in bits from the rest of the image to create more ‘detail’.

As you can see, it’s still quite soft in that area.

Personally, I think there’s nothing wrong with the out of focus blade of grass, adds a bit of depth to the picture!

Anyway, great pics @Penny_Dreadful. Shame about the Ladybird!

Wolf Spider

Crab Spider on an orchid

St Andrew’s Cross spider

Just found this guy (gal?) hanging out on one of my downspouts:


Sizable, maybe an inch and half long. I was still trying to get in focus when s/he flew off.

Any ideas?

It looks like an assassin bug. There are various types but they are all predatory.

Hah! I thought it had a sinister look about it. Thanks :)

Seems the large ones got a thing for taking off early in a photo session: I had spotted this one (an aptly named “Yokozuna” one, here), but could barely get within distance.

They wear disguises and hunt by ambush, so I’m pretty sure mine was thinking “Holy crap, that thing can see every bit of me…”

Hit the jackpot! Red House Spider nabs a Christmas Beetle:


Well. That’s Christmas for the spider. Less so for the beetle.

This type of assassin bug has grasping forelegs, like a mantis. Interesting, but unsettling.

That is so fascinating!
It reminds me of another collage effort from God: the mole Crickets. They were pretty common here a few dozen years before, but I have yet to spot one!

I posted a pic of an assassin bug above, earlier.

Totally different looking bug though.

All of you folks are weird.

Shoo fly!