The Killing

H O L Y $ % ^ @ ! ! ! ! !

I thought they were pushing it with how hard it was to get a stay of execution. When a cop who worked on the case is asking for it?

If you are a politician, the idea that you might execute someone, and then have it come out that the very person who put that person away called you and asked to delay to check new evidence… why take the risk. If that evidence did check out later and that story comes out you just suicided your political career.

The Danish version is super-fantastic, it’s been a huge hit here in the UK.

Crazy: the twice-cancelled The Killing is coming back on Netflix for a 6 episode mini-season, apparently:


That is awesome. They can’t kill it.

Good news as far as I’m concerned. Season 3 really let the show reach its potential. Maybe the mini seasons will be enough of a hit to keep them going like a BBC show like The Fall.

I liked the show and was bummed when it was cancelled, but they really wrote themselves into a corner at the end of the last season.

For me, season 3 of The Killing was almost 90 percent about characters…and 10 percent about the mystery. The story wasn’t laughably bad like season 2 and served more as a backdrop for Holder and Linden’s lives. It got a bit too much at the end, I agree. But up until then I really, really enjoyed the show and the characters. It also made me wish that an actress like Bex Taylor-Klaus, who was amazing when coupled with almost anyone, but especially Holder, could be accepted as a leading lady in spite of not being conventionally attractive in a Hollywood way. I see her in bit parts on Arrow these days, but I really wish she could break out of the sidekick role and make a name for herself. She reminded me a bit of a young Lili Taylor.

The Final Season Trailer:

Season 3.5 (it’s only 6 episodes, not 12) looks quite interesting and very logical.

I really enjoyed The Killing. I’m sorry to see it go, but happy it’s going out in style.

Anyone else get through the final season? I thought there were some interesting parts but wasn’t as strong as the third season. It was nice to let the show wrap things up, but the very last bit that happens seemed like a really weird “conventional” thing to do. In other stories, it would be the expected conventional thing but with these characters it just seemed like an odd choice.

Yeah, I agree. The ending had a hollow, surreal feel to it, but it was an ending, at least.

The final season’s murder didn’t have enough set up and felt entirely unsatisfactory.

I enjoyed Season 1 and 3 - and perhaps half of Season 2, before they let that aspect of the story go on for far too long. For all the bad things I can say about the show, the fact remains that I watched it all – start to finish – and there are very few shows about which I can say that. So they must have done something right.

I’m going to watch the last episode tonight. This season went places I didn’t expect and I’m undecided on whether or not I’m happy with that. The downward spiral felt both rushed and natural at various times.

But I’m telling you, if they decide to make a spin off featuring Reddick, I’ll be on board immediately. He went from a throwaway character in season 3 to my favorite cast member next to the leads.

edit: okay, saw the finale. If they’d just cut it off right before

the ending

Linden and Holder go through some pseudo romantic ending, I’d have been happy. It just cheapens the show to have them even hint at such a thing though. Over the last 4 seasons, they’ve been the closest thing to family than either has ever had (with one awkward, drunken moment in season 3 that was quickly rebuffed). It was a complex relationship that didn’t take the easy route out by going with the much simpler “will they or won’t they?” style writing that is so prevalent in romcoms. This was The Killing, not Moonlighting, for cryin’ out loud. Ah well, up to that point I was enjoying it.

Finished the final season tonight and I agree with you hepcat.

I didn’t expect or want the duo to even hint at a romantic involvement. I had completely forgotten about the S3 drunken moment, but that just goes to show how miniscule it was. The overall crime plot of the season had a very interesting setup but a very poor conclusion. And dear GOD can Linden be the WORST MOM IN HISTORY? I mean how many times is she going to COMPLETELY forget about her son. “Oh he’s coming home today?”, “Oh I have to take him to the airport tonight?” “You mean I have to FEED HIM?” Though I must say Holder also got some points on being a dick in the family department. Nothing like giving your nephew a high five because his dead father cursed like a sailor.

All in all though, I’ll miss those two. They were great together. Holder especially is great at riffing on others.

Re: Holder–given some of the shitty thing he said to his loved ones in that one scene, it’s no big surprise that his marriage to Firefly Girl didn’t last (if indeed it ever started).

I was serious about a Reddick spin off, damn it! He’s the poor man’s Rockford.

100% agree with hepcat as well.

It’s settled. Get the guy who played Reddick on the phone!

I’m just now watching this on Netflix so I don’t want to read too much and spoil anything. Did anyone watch season 2 and think it was worth watching? Thanks!