The King's Man (2020)

The new pandemic standard contract is 45 days (it used to be 90 days). Although some studios have worked out deals for even shorter windows, where they have profit sharing with theaters on PPV profits.

See for example:

Hey, you know what’s a great setup for a long comedy scene? Gay panic! Oh, the laughs we’ll have when a straight character has to face the possibility of someone being all gay on them! Har har har! On top of that, let’s make sure the only non-cis character is a villain.

Sigh. I thought we were past this particular brand of comedy.

Hey, its a period movie, so it has to reflect the times its set in…

glad that they didn’t do antisemitism then…

We saw it last night and it was too long, but mostly fun? Some bits were weird and seemingly unnecessary but overall we enjoyed it. It did get us to revisit the first Kingsman movie, which is way better.

(Just to clarify: that eyeroll wasn’t directed at you @Telefrog, but the filmmakers…)

I enjoyed this, and the Rasputin fight was fantastic.

Though, Alan Rickman will always be my Rasputin. <3

One thing that really got me on the protagonist’s side is his speech to his son about not buying into the romanticism of being a British Gentleman. About how they were an empire made strong by their willingness to use savagery and strength and snatch what they wanted. This seemed a very modern view of British Empire to my ears and I wondered if a person living during that period could have had these kinds of sensibilities.

Then I remembered the beginning of the movie and how they had seen the British keep those people (the Dutch settlers was my guess) in concentration camps and I thought, you know, maybe it’s not far fetched after all that he would have this view.

I looked up tonight who the British were fighting there in South Africa and it made for interesting reading. Pretty much the origins of concentration camps I guess.

I’ve been reading Bryce Courtenay’s The Power of One, which is set in South Africa during WWII, and the deaths of 26,000 Boer women and children due to starvation, disease and neglect in British concentration camps 40 years previous is very much background to the cultural milieu of the story.