The Last of Us 2 - Hopefully Ellie Can Swim Now

Well one would certainly hope it wasn’t put in accidentally.

Yeah, the load times are incredible, so is the ability to cut from completely different locations during cutscenes.

Absolutely. The grade school book review level readings that masquerades as criticism in the game space continues to be incredibly frustrating. Especially since there tend to be critical “in-crowds” against which disagreeing is considered an attack.

Is Tom going to review this one?

Some early sales data. Fastest selling Sony physical game in the UK all time, also sold 40% more physical copies launch weekend than Animal Crossing:NH

Maybe the story complaints will hurt its legs but the leaks and review bombing don’t seem to have hurt its launch.

Possible, but probably meaningless when 60-70% of a game’s lifetime sales are in the first two weeks.

Finished! Whew! That was quite the journey.

I have thoughts, but I’ll wait until more people hit the end.

How many hours did it take you? I’m at the 22 hour mark and I think I have one big semi-unexpected area left. Will finish today or tonight I believe.

Will there be a spoiler thread? Or maybe just spoiler block what you have to say. I’d love to see some impressions of the whole game since I haven’t seen the whole thing yet, just here and there pieces.

About 35 hours. I messed around some.

Oh wow, either I’ve been speedier than I thought or I have a hell of a lot of game left. Right now I’m thinking about 3 or 4 more hours tops but who knows.

I think I’m going to try turning on the slow mo aiming, doesn’t affect trophies etc.

I talked about this a few days ago and I absolutely love it - as someone that doesn’t use controllers for shooting games almost never, this has been an incredible setting for me and I find I can actually play very well now and might be able to try Hard out for a second play through at some point (this first play through is just to experience the story, and the default difficulty has had plenty of tough parts for me as is, though).

Yup. The slow motion option is great. As someone that wasn’t super jazzed by the aiming and shooting in the first game, I loved the ability to just crank on uber easy cheat mode and blast through the combat.

There’s a slow motion aiming option??!!? How did I miss this? I am going to switch over tonight.

There are a LOT of accessibility options - it’s buried somewhere in there.

I’m not reading the thread so as to avoid spoilers, but the scene shown in the preview trailer from 2 years ago with Ellie and Dina at the dance, which is definitely helpful context for the beginning of the game doesn’t seem to actually be in the game. Am I wrong? Why would they not include it?

Since you are avoiding spoilers… keep playing.

OK now THAT was better than the giraffe and I loved the giraffe scene. =)

All done. Wow. We should set up a spoiler thread I think (I’ll just go do this now). Hard to talk about everything with spoiler boxes. I think it took me about 27 hours total.

I’m about halfway through, judging by the hours posted here, and I really hope they stick the landing. So far, it’s been a massive improvement over the first in nearly every department (still hard to beat the highs of the intro, and some of those chapter ends…).

It’s also awesome being able to navigate the game world just by my own real-world knowledge of the area. That has been a blast.