The Limits of Rational Discourse

Matt, for a guy who made this post:

You seem to have an amazingly selective need for precision when it comes to results you don’t like. When it comes to trying to paint the right as a bunch of wackjobs your standards are much lower when it comes to evidence.

BTW, in that very same thread, Blackadar who was outraged, OUTRAGED that anyone would even hint at comparing Obama - the man - to doing something similar to what happened in the Third Reich into a discussion wrote this regarding intelligent coworkers who disagree with him on politics:

The scary part is that they’re not uneducated idiots. They’re pretty highly educated, but don’t realize that they’ve been indoctrinated to the point that they’ve gone off the deep end. I hate to Godwin this thread, but they’re very similar to the German populace in the 1920s and 1930s. hey’ve steadily moved further and further right after listening to the propaganda spewed by talking heads like Hannity and Limbaugh.

And this isn’t some ancient thread I dug up. This is one of the current threads in this forum.

This is what happens when group think takes over a forum. Pretty soon, you delude yourself into thinking that anyone who disagrees with you is just some nut or has been indoctrinated.

Sure, it’s perfectly okay to compare Rush Limbaugh to Goebbels and Hannity to Nazi propaganda explicitly. That’s just, that’s fine because it’s true right? I mean, conservatives are really just Nazis right and those who agree are just indoctrinated or stupid or just ignorant. But if a conservative takes issue with something Obama does that strikes that conservative as being reminiscent of the same sort of thig, oh, horrors. We end up with a 7+ page thread about it.

A little bit of honesty can go a long way. American politics is pretty nasty these days. The “fringe” is not small on either side.