The Metaverse (and AR and other related things)

Likewise, it distracts investors from the fact their core business is in decline. Sure maybe Facebook’s numbers are going down - but the future will belong to Meta (whatever that is.) We swear!

I am not sure that this statement applies to Facebook, which is approaching 3 billion active users (however that is calculated) and reported record profits in Q3 2021.

Facebook sucks, it’s an odious corporate entity and one with a severe morality problem. And facebook pages are now a nightmare of ads and promoted content. Whatever slivers of good were in Facebook a decade ago are long gone. But I haven’t much evidence to describe its business as being in decline.

Things are going great so far! (It was news to me there is a beta already! It’s amazing!)

Video of what that beta looks like - it’s visually stunning!

“Metamates” sounds like a fiber supplement.

There’s a generation of children being raised with Roblox right now, which is the Metaverse that Zuck wants to create. It’s already here. By the time Facebook’s is ready, those kids will be adults and ready for the next thing, since Roblox will always be branded as a thing for kids.

He’s either a genius with a 10 year plan or totally flailing after losing the younger generation to Tiktok. I can’t decide which.

It sounds like they didn’t run the name past any Brits

I’m almost a complete stranger when it comes to multiplayer gaming, and MetaQuest has been my first foray in years. But my experience is similar; not the groping, because I don’t have a female avatar, but almost without exception every male voice that sounds like 15 and younger is generally spouting tourettes like expletives and rambling nonsense about violence, sex, destruction, hate rape etc., to the point where I prefer not to go anywhere near a youth unless they’re engaged in a game and too distracted to talk, and even that doesn’t stop them much. There was a room in a general chat room where 5 or 6 boys, clearly not friends, in various accents, were chanting ‘rape rape rape’ like a barbershop quartet. Is this a healthy venting? Probably not? I can’t remember ever engaging in anything similar as a kid when hanging out with other boys away from prying eyes… I’m concerned how pervasive this seems to be. And that parents are letting their young kids be in VR alone in their rooms. Another reason my kids aren’t getting their own online enabled screens until they leave the house, sorry, here’s a flip phone, honey.

Did you ever play Modern Warfare before Microsoft introduced parties? This has been going on since we gave kids microphones. And before that, they’d just type it.

Nope. I’m just surprised at kids in general. I was absolutely no saint as a kid, and my friends were rougher than me, but it would never have occurred to any of us to spout half the crap I’m hearing now when we were at the ice rink, schoolyard after hours, or wherever we were hanging out without supervision. Or you know… we wouldn’t have spouted it out into the ether, it would have stayed in the circle.

Why are you hanging round schoolyards after hours?

I did mangle the tense of my argument, didn’t I… Imma go ninja edit.

The Meta is getting metastupid.

They’re going to take a 50% cut on all apps? Greedy much Facebook?

Not on all apps, only on content created inside their app. Normal app cut is 30%.

Positively generous compared to Roblox!

It’s a lot by app store standards, but it’s less than, let’s say, the cut Valve takes for content people sell through the Steam Workshop. But yeah, it’s not thrilling numbers in either case.

I didn’t know that, and i google it up a bit. It seems in Dota 2 the cut was 12.5% of net revenue for creators, lol. And only direct sells, they removed the cut from battle passes.

Looking it like that, Meta’s deal isn’t so bad. I also thought at first they were being greedy, by the way (well, and they still are, that other companies are even greedier doesn’t change things)

That is one creepy mofo of an avatar, for sure.

Though if you remember Second Life…

Thanks for reminding me. :)