The Mother 'Effin WEATHER Thread

North Lauderdale here. This damn storm could hit me twice.

Things I have done:

I have aome padding from the move here. I’ll be packing it under the garage door. Front door has already let water in during a lesser storm. Will be packing it. Have emptied the ice maker several times. Now have the freezer packed with bags of ice cubes. If the power goes out this will keep fridge food cold and be useful for the coolers we have. The car is full of gas. Might have to use it to charge phones. Have a radio. Batteries. Got a lot of canned food tonite, and water. Powerful flashlights with batteries. Will see tomorrow if we can get more batteries and water. Doubtful. Shit is sold out everywhere.

Guess what I could get as food? Spam and tuna cans.

And also got a bottle of Bulliet 95 Rye. Small batch. For medical purposes. Need it when the snakes arrive.

Wednesday, October fifth, 2016. Diary

It seems that I miscounted the number of people here. The step daughter and her wife will be here tonite. They live in a tornado target. Also known as a house with wheels. Without the wheels. They got an emergency warning to evacuate. I thought that was a great idea. Until I realized that their evacuation was to my house.

So. While I thought I would have two dogs using the back hall for a toilet, now I have four dogs using the house for a toilet. The wife is funny. Such a joker. Don’t worry, I’ll walk them.

You’ll what?

Walk dogs, all four, in 100 mph winds and monsoon rains? Good fucking luck.

I think I’m going insane. Things that others say seem ridiculous to me. Yet when I try to explain my fear, I am laughed at.

So I decide that this is a bad dream. So far.

Very good idea. Thanks for that.

Good luck! Please keep us posted, and I hope it’s nowhere near as bad as you’re anticipating. Always better to be prepared, though. Probably too late to go out and load up on the puppy pads to line the back hall with, unfortunately.

Did you fill your tub with water? For flushing and washing.

We definitely will be.

Wow its gonna be a slow mover.

I’m still debating whether to evacuate. I’m on the mainland but this large tree branch near my house makes me really nervous.

Is it over the house? Or near power lines?

The power outage image below is super scary. I know when Irene hit us a few years back here in PA, we had no power for 5 days. And had to live off off batteries /car charging stuff, and eventually got a generator.

There is a new model that says because of a flat pressure front to the north and Nicole to the east that Matthew may actually circle around and hit us again.

Matthew, why do you hate Rich so much?

Well the wife needs the laptop to work from home. If she’s done before the power goes I’ll be back. If not, see you on the other side. Be safe everyone.

Yesterday I was considering heading out to Tampa but after the 11am update we’re staying put in Broward. I expect tropical storm winds but hopefully not much more.

Doesn’t ice melt in hurricanes?

Well wife has given up on work so I’m here for better or worse. Has anyone heard the sporadic reports of large three legged machines emerging from the sea?

Yes, but there’s also rumor of the government moving over some giant mech assets from the Pacific Rim region, so you’ve got that going for you.

They’ll never get here in time. We’re fucked.

Edit: Neighbors are so very cool. Lady up the street heard that we couldn’t find D cells for out flashlights. She gave us two four packs of D batteries, a Craftsman lantern and a USB chargeable 1800 mAh phone charger. My only issue is that I’ve heard that third party lightning chargers can be problematic.

Tried to give her cash. She refused. Will find a way to do good things for her in the near future.

Damn. To those affected, listen to authorities. Be safe!
(Click the link, watch the video)

Moving video. You can feel his emotion.