The Mother 'Effin WEATHER Thread

Speaking of hogs, @ArmandoPenblade, now is the time to get cheap pork. It seems they rushed a lot to market prior to the storm. I was picking up buy one get one free pork tenderloin last night.

I was just in Hong Kong a week and a half ago. I’m glad we didn’t plan our trip a week later than we did.

Perhaps these fights can be settled when they realize they can just visit a number of fine states and have it on the cheap, no criminal charges required.

The article says “huge bundles”. Weed costs around $200/oz in Oregon.

Lets say a “huge bundle” is 20 pounds. That’s sixty-four thousand dollars.

No it’s not.

Retail pot prices can be as low as $2 for a single gram, or even less if a customer is buying a larger amount – for example, an ounce, or 28 grams, for $50, or $1.78 a gram.

That was February. I’ll give you a hint, the prices are not going up.

And that’s assuming you don’t know one of the gazillion people growing it who just offer it at every gathering they go to.

Weird, I used this site:

Anyway, if it is $50/ounce, that’s sixteen thousand dollars. So my point still stands.

Except you missed the part where it’s basically being given away, if you know anyone. And you can grow it. You don’t even buy it. Fighting over something that cheap is stupid and you WAAAAAY off price. It’s even cheaper now. None of this takes into account quantity too.

Your point is inaccurate and you could say the same thing if a crate of wine showed up, depending on the wine.

So you’re saying that growing weed is so widespread that people just give it away, and that applies to everybody. In that case all the dispensaries should go out of business, right? Because the product has zero value.

No that’s what you’re saying. It’s growing everywhere. It is given away, but no, go ahead and continue to believe it’s perfectly logical for someone to fight over and get criminal records for something that has become cheaper than Girl Scout cookies in other states. <---- is a saying, not literal.

I love a good thin mint, but I really don’t think they would sell at $800 per pound. Unless you’re going back to saying weed has no value there because everybody grows it in their back yard.

Take all you can carry. Just don’t get caught.

Look, all I’m saying is if anyone she knows rats on her, they’re off the Christmas cookie list.

Classic Florida pics, too. The guy is missing the silver paint around his nose and mouth from huffing a spraycan, though.

I’m sure she was just collecting it up to go hand in to the police anyway…

I know the picture you’re talking about. Didn’t that guy look a lot like Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds?

I’m saying it’s cheap, you can grow it in your backyard, and it is given away in more than one state. There is no reason to chase this stuff down like nothing has changed in decades. But hey, what do I know, it’s not like I drive by these plants and billboards every couple of days. This shit is cheap but yeah, paying retail is what everyone does all the time… no way at all to ever get something you can grow in your backyard for less.

I mean it’s like buying the little McCormic shakers of basil. I could do that, or I could grow fresh basil, two types!, in my house.

So paying $4-5 for a .75 Oz shaker is retail, but also unreasonable to me. I get so much I dry some and give it away to family.

I have two giant rosemary bushes i put on the corner of my lot, next to the stop sign and under a street light. I planted them as tiny little thing to replace the mass of weeds the previous owner let grow there. There’s also lavender although that struggles more. My neighbor asked me about it, if he could have some, and I said sure. It’s there to help stop weeds, because it might survive if someone has to work on the light, and because butterflies and bees seem to like it, lizards can hide in it too. I don’t care if a neighbor wants some, so long as they don’t kill my bush, I don’t care if they take some. Rosemary, of course still has value and yeah those spices, some of those way more than pot now. It’s ridiculous what some of them want for that tiny little bottle!

If it were for the fence law, and kids, and well the smell, I’d probably do the same with these bushes because I’m never going to use it but they’re just like other plants, but require more care i’m told.

After growing herbs for a few years, this year I changed things up a bit and put the ones that are -supposedly- hardy enough to live year round here into their own small containers. My test will be to see if they actually can. Rosemary is looking good so far, but so are the chives and sage.

As with previous years, my normal basil isn’t doing too hot. And due to Florence passing through, my thyme got too wet and is looking like it might not make it.

I don’t mind replanting those, they both grow very quickly after planting.