The Muslim Ban: America Loses Its Mind.

Nor is it English, like the sticker.

I would suspect there would be quite a lot of people who would see that sticker than think “That looks like some muslim writing, probably a terrorist”. So maybe the sticker is to tell those idiots to fuck off?

I think it’s pretty clear it’s meant to offend those who read Arabic, or make them nervous. Which isn’t you.

Without talking with the person who put the sticker there, it is hard to say for sure what the intent is, don’t you agree? The only thing we know is that there is a sticker that people will react to differently (like -everything- else).

You’re making an assumption one way, and I am making an assumption another. Where I work, this would not be okay. We’ve received several company wide e-mails on what is not acceptable to have on campus property from employees; this is not it. There have already been cases about the confederate flag coming up, and the slippery slope you present makes that okay too. There is a reason why I mentioned it might be important that this be a private company though instead of public. There are a number of cases against the confederate flag in employment cases, by the way.

Agreed, and it’s disgusting.

I think it’s hard to say what the intent behind that sticker is.

I think, given the current climate, it’s a damn stupid sticker to have.

I know you don’t live in America, and I don’t mean to sound condescending here, but there is no one under the age of 16 here in the States who doesn’t understand the intent of that bumper sticker. It is, “hey you people who use these loopy letters, go fuck yourself”. No one would be confused.

I’m going to be completely honest here and admit that I do judge people by their bumper stickers. I assume that if you plastered a sign on your car, you felt strongly enough about it to have me read it. You wanted to tell me something about yourself.

A sign with “Go Fuck Yourself” written in Helvetica or Times New Roman would make me think you’re an ass on its own.

Add the faux Arabic script and I think I know enough to not want to have anything to do with you.

And if your car (or more usually, pickup) has those rubber testicles dangling from it, I have to fight an impulse to run you off the road.

Very much so since you’re announcing whatever your sticker says to the world. You’re actually shoving it in people’s faces. Most of the time window/bumper stickers are pointless crap. “I have 2 kids and a dog!” Okay. Sometimes it’s “I really hate brown people!” Yeah… maybe if you want to proudly declare that I’m going to think you’re a piece of shit.

Rubber testicles? WTH? Is that for real?

Sadly, yes.

I have never seen those here. I can’t believe this is a thing… i mean I should considering the world we live in but… dear lord.

Not just a thing, but fairly prevalent too - though not quite as much now as at their height of their popularity. Certainly moreso is rural/farming type areas.

It’s possible I know owners of truck nuts. To my infinite shame. God I hate the South.

I am working on a graph that shows the correlation between Trump voters and display of trucknutz.

I don’t think trucknutz are too unusual compared to certain other historical oddities. Just something about simian culture, I guess.

They’re not terribly uncommon even where I’m at, in the suburbs of Seattle. I think there are two pairs just on my block.