The Netflix TV Show Thread

It’s a Mark Millar comic Same universe as Jupiter’s Legacy

I guess it would be more accurate to say that I’m vaguely/peripherally familiar with the source material, having read other things by Millar and having seen the Jupiter’s Legacy TV series.

How common is it for shows like this to have subtitles that are quite different from the dubbing? I assume it’s because the dialogue was translated twice and by different entities?

The dubbing has to match lip movements on screen, and fit the entire translated content with the same time. So it’s a lot more constrained. I would guess it’s done after a quicker regular subtitle version too.

In terms of quality, in theory the non dubbed subs have more freedom for a more accurate translation. But in my experience it’s not really that different in practice for whatever reason, maybe because the budget for the dubs is necessarily higher.

Sometimes you will see subtitle options with both ‘English’ and ‘English (CC)’ and the CC version should match the subtitles.

It seems to be the case on Netflix for all content. I don’t think it’s a fact of life though. At least for German-speaking normal TV, the dubs+subs are in my experience much closer. Not 100% identical, but clearly working from the same underlying translation and then adapting it a bit.

Thanks. I have opted for subtitles over dubbing whenever possible for as long as I can remember, until pretty recently when I made an exception for a Cowboy Bepop animated series rewatch, so I had no idea the dialogue could be that different, or why. And I need to leave subtitles on regardless, so I guess I’ll just have to get used to this.

I started watching this show “True Story”, about that time Kevin Hart killed a bunch of people with his brother Wesley Snipes. It’s pretty cool.

Do you like Kyle Mooney and weird absurdist humor? Then this is for you.

“Are you a person who doesn’t exist?”

This looks interesting!

If I would never see the vehicle hanging on a cliffs edge trope one more time, I could die a happy man.

I can’t turn the sound on at work, so I barely understand what is going on here, but it looks awesome.

This just popped up on my YT suggested list. Looks interesting, and comes out… next week? huh.

Looks scary. Remake of the Ring?

Doesn’t seem so. Kind of reminded me of what I remember of the movie SESSION 8?. Mixed with cultists?

I am always down for more Korean zombie action. Kinda wish this was a movie rather than a series, but I guess we’ll see if it works out!

Those are very Train to Busan style zombies.

Did anyone see the sequel? Peninsula. I think I read some poor reviews so I skipped it, but what do people know about anything?

I, too, am always down for Korean zombies or monsters or female John Wicks (See My Name series below).