The new animated GIFs thread that is ONLY posts with animated GIFs in them!

50% Mmm… 50% Ugh.

Yeah. Strawberry milkshake or meat paste?

This makes me happy to hear, since you see so many more movies than me, and are generally much more critical of them. It’s one of those movies I would normally call a guilty pleasure type, but I just straight up like it.

I’ve watched it a few times, because I’m a big Doug Liman fan, and doing the American Made podcast gave me an excuse to watch this and Edge of Tomorrow again. I hate to use this word, since I know Tom hates it, but it’s so much freaking fun to watch!

Not so much on the fun side, but still on the well-made side, is a movie of his (Doug Liman) that came out in 2017 that wasn’t the bloated crappy Tom Cruise smuggler’s blues movie. That’s a little movie called The Wall. If any of you all can ever get a chance to see that…do.





— Alan

Ah yes. The lovely Damascus goat. Ugly bastards.

The next starwars movie should give up on those cheapass CG and pioneer the thriving field of eugenic special effects.