The new animated GIFs thread that is ONLY posts with animated GIFs in them!

I humbly propose this thread contain more juvenile gifs and less obscure movie gifs that I have never seen before.

If you have to add movie scene gifs make them juvenile:

I promise my next one will be more juvenile.

Dangit Chris, I’ve been thinking about this movie all day for some reason.

Get out of my head!


Also, that moment reminds me of this…

…but it doesn’t have the same resonance because the characters don’t have a history.


@Tim_N Let it not be said I don’t keep my promises.

Still an excellent choice. I was trying to figure out what would make a good gif from that movie.

I just remembered why. On our way home from school today, my son and I were talking about Mustangs. We both love muscle cars, but I’ve never been a fan of the Mustang. Maybe in part because I broke the transmission of my dad’s Mustang when I was a child.

My kid started looking them up by year on my phone as we talked, and I warned him not to look at 1984. All the way home he looked up years and pictures of mustangs. And all I kept thinking about was this:


Ha ha, the Charger is winning.



You son of a bitch.

Thieves were never enough motivation to put the “duck & cover” contraption in place (but it also helps thwart them by dropping the Spirit of Ecstasy down when you turn off the car). New pedestrian collision safety rules required removal of all hood ornaments, and that’s when Rolls’ engineers put on their thinking caps.

I couldn’t find a good gif portraying dropping Ecstasy or a good clip from Duck and Cover that wasn’t a jpeg, so I’ll go with the crash test theme: