The new animated GIFs thread that is ONLY posts with animated GIFs in them!

There is some great animation in that movie, geggis. I felt pretty darn lucky to be able to see it in a theatre.


Is that from The Canyons? ;-D


God, I love the Major.

Maybe as much as Revy.

Water line bursting in Kiev.

AKA The Gate (1987).

Huh, I always remembered that as Bambi versus Godzilla. I guess the actual title makes a bit more sense.

The only animated gif I could find from the movie Versus was kinda gross, but I also found whatever that gif up there is, so I’m posting that instead.


I love this. This is one of my favorite things to say randomly. And I love saying movie quotes randomly. As if people don’t know that.

But I love this one especially. I just love what she does with her voice. And I don’t even like the movie that much. Weird.


I’m with Christien, it’s about 80% fun lark of a movie, then the whole “fifth element is love” crap torpedoed the whole thing for me.