The new animated GIFs thread that is ONLY posts with animated GIFs in them!


Who do you think you’re dealing with here?

Oh. I need a gif. Hold up…


“For I have seen the nipple on your soul.”


Okay. Enough of all this silly “Seinfeld” stuff. Here’s something from a recent movie that Chris posted in the nonfakedphysicalgestures3x3thread:


Darn it, Dingus! I thought I would be able to keep this one in the chamber for more than 6 minutes.

Best episodes of Seinfeld had him:

No joke.

Heres another one, the author play it in slow montion so we can see it, in-game happens so fast that is impossible to see it.

To be honest, when I play it it dont feel like a game with good animations. The game don’t point at this thing, it just have the good production qualities you would never expect from a Drakengard game, … of all things.


Bonus gif:

My favorite Seinfeld episode.

Reminds of if that old joke, what are the last words of a typical redneck? “Hey y’all, watch this!”

This idiot is being investigated by local authorities to see if he injured the manatees that he threw shit at. They are protected here.

I was wondering what the big ruckus was.

So that’s what those are. My best guess was asian carp or something similar, but the splashes looked way too big. Had no idea manatees were spooked so easily. So many mysteries of the sea.

Update: Officials not completely sure that it was manatees. Investigating further. If it was, since they are federally protected, he can be charged with just annoying them. I’ll reserve the idiot label until I know more.

You can be charged for annoying a manatee? Man who needs that grief?