The New Iran Treaty

Except Iran gave up pretty much everything to end the sanctions. So there’s that.

Also the notion of the weaker party threatening the stronger as a way to keep something they felt they gained is absurd. No… this is local politics pure and simple.

And let’s not forget that this tweet is in response to a comment by Obama, “We could knock out their military in speed and dispatch if we chose to.”

In that light, “If any war happens, America will emerge the loser” doesn’t sound particularly threatening. Maybe over optimistic, but I can’t fault him that.

Yet another reason why I cringe when leaders–ours or anyone’s–makes sweeping, blanket statements like “we can beat you with one hand tied behind our back,” or draws public lines in the sand as part of political posturing (yes, I’m looking at you, Obama, for Syria). I guess I’m too old school. I want leaders to walk and talk softly and carry a big stick. Do the nasty mouthing off in private where it means something, not for the tabloids and twittersphere. But that horse has left the barn a long time ago.

That’s something I admire about the Russians, they rarely talk about acting - they simply act, and do so with great speed.

Perhaps we could do less of the public lecturing in general. I don’t think we’re changing anyone’s mind when we harangue them about (what we view as) their failures.

This is simply posturing. Its like the coach of the Detroit Lions hearing that a Packer said they were going to come to Ford Field and kick our collective asses. How do you think he will reply? He will say something like “The Packers will leave Ford Field with two things, a loss in the standings and a big dose of humility.” Of course on Sunday, the Lions get their collective asses royally kicked. The coach then replies, “Yeah, wait til we see them in Lambeau!”

It shouldn’t be a surprise that a Congress that’s literally at war with itself engages in this type of behavior despite the importance of the issue at hand.

Not a surprise that Iran is already violating terms, breaching the UN travel ban (since conceded):

They get nukes through either breaking the treaty or through adhering to it, the only variable is timing, and how far the nuclear weapon proliferation will spread.

Jesus. These people are elected officials?

Holy shit, Cruz is one of the most profoundly stupid people i have ever seen.

I would honestly prefer Trump over Cruz as president, and Trump is basically a monkey in a suit.

Cruz definitely isn’t stupid. You don’t get to be a Supreme Court clerk if you’re stupid. He’s worse: he’s intentionally disingenuous.

I’d advise you to read Sen. Cruz wikientry before calling him stupid. His parents are both scientists. He is literally a world class debater and he is scoring debate points in this exchange. It is a nasty but common practice in Congress, and has been since the beginning of the Republic. I have a visceral dislike for Cruz, and probably wouldn’t vote for him in the general. "Referring to Cruz’s time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, “Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant”, stupid is clearly not the right adjective.

In contrast, William Saletan is a partisan arrogant hack who has been getting stuff wrong at Slate for a decade.

The fact Saletan couldn’t figure this out, and routinely argues with Justices Robert’s and Scalia legal opinion is why I call him an arrogant hack.

But how is that scoring debate points?
He is failing to understand what is being said, or intentionally pretending to not understand what is being said.

I mean, the only people who that would score points with would be people who are so stupid as to not be able to follow the discussion, and only hear a handful of the words spoken by Cruz and somehow think he’s correct.

But if those are the people you are trying to score points with, then it literally does not matter at all what you say. You can just flail around and grunt like a monkey. That’s basically Trump’s routine here, and he’s totally locked up that section of the electorate.

Cruz is intelligent. He’s an amoral megalomaniac, but not stupid. I’d also prefer Trump, or my neighbor’s golden retriever as president.

He has the Energy Secretary, and Obama nuclear weapon expert, and on the Congressional record saying he doesn’t know about EMP and specifically the congressional report on Iran’s EMP. In the same way that I’m sure Saleteen selectively edited the 11 hours to make Cruz look bad, I am positive that Cruz can do the same thing to Monzi. To be fair its not unreasonable to expect the Sec. Monzi to be at least familiar with Congressional report on such a closely related topic.

Is it fair to try and twist the Sec. Words no. But can it be used to discredit Monzi, he is smarter than you and I with respect to political stuff so I am sure he can.

That was amazing. “We’re here for America!” “Who wins in a war with Iran?? We win!”

Holy fucking shitballs.

He has the Energy Secretary, and Obama nuclear weapon expert, and on the Congressional record saying he doesn’t know about EMP and specifically the congressional report on Iran’s EMP. In the same way that I’m sure Saleteen selectively edit the 11 hours to make Cruz look bad, I am positive that Cruz can do the same thing to Monzi. To be fair its not unreasonable to expect the Sec. Monzi to be at least familiar with Congressional report on such a closely related topic.

It is fair no, but can it be used to discredit Monzi. He is smarter than you and I with respect to political stuff so I am sure he can…

Make Cruz look bad? I don’t think any edits are necessary on that point.
Couple years ago at a Texas rally, with due gravitas Cruz tells his audience “The democrats are debating in the Senate to repeal the first amendment!”
Horrified boos!!

Of course, that was democrats wanting to repeal Citizens United.

Indeed. It’s almost as if American military personnel are toy soldiers that are pushed around a game board.
Cowboy diplomacy taken to its extreme.

But that’s the thing… he doesn’t have him on the congressional record saying that. He has him saying something else, and then he misinterprets it.

Yes he does
If you actually go and listen to 2: hour 05 minutes into the July 23 Foreign Relations testimonyyou’ll hear Sec.Moniz ask Sen. Johnson to explain to him what “EMP” means. Moniz clearly wasn’t thinking of EMP in context to the discussion, cause when Sen. Johnson say “Electro Magnet Pulse”, his eyes light up and say “Oh that” and the lightbulb goes of in his head. (Salentan left out the damning part of Sec. Moniz testimony). More over, I don’t think Moniz is being entirely truthful when he tells Sen. Cruz
" That was about the report." When he actually just had a brain fart about the meaning of EMP.

Cruz is former prosecuting attorney and I imagine he was pretty good at his job. It is gotcha moment, but as I said Sen. Cruz scored debate points. and that 10 second clip between Johnson and Moniz would make a good ad, if you were trying to show Obama has a bunch of bozo negotiating the deal.

As an aside . Sen Johnson asked some good question of Sec. Kerry in particular about if this is such a big important deal, how come this isn’t a treaty or at least requires and up or down vote (like the Fast track treaty.)