The NFL Protests

Sometimes, you do die on the hill :)

A man can hope.

I wonder if his attacks on the NFL are motivated by his failure with the USFL and failure to own an NFL team? That fits right in with his motivations. He always tries to get revenge.

Maybe. He seems mostly motivated by petty slights and insults. He saw kneeling during the anthem as a flashpoint for his base. He called NFL owners to try and force them to stop players kneeling. He sent Pence to do some Kabuki theatre on the subject. It’s very simple “fuck you” diplomacy, wielding petty powers in flamboyant fashion to get what he wants. It seems like he’s staked some of his credibility on bending the NFL to his will more than achieving some more sophisticated goal. Now that he’s stuck his neck out, he doesn’t want to be seen as losing.

I find myself constantly trying to imagine Trump’s various boondoggles being done by Obama. Imagine if Obama had called NFL players “sons of bitches” and sent Joe Biden to gin up some political theater by leaving a game. Now imagine Obama taking the time to threaten the NFL.

I think it’s literally impossible to imagine Obama being that stupid.

It applies to almost every past President. I can’t even imagine W being so dumb. He may have said something if asked in an interview, but he wouldn’t dwell on it and make it a pillar of his next few weeks.

It shows you how far into the realms of unreality we are that the degree of asymmetry in double-think really is the real life equivalent of the Emperor’s New Clothes. Trump didn’t create this bubble of unreality in his base but he certainly rode it to success here. The equivalent actions by Obama or Clinton would have had the Republican base salivating for impeachment and howling indignation in every quarter 24/7 without respite.

It does mean now we can forever blow any living Republican Trump voters off forevermore if and when they complain about Democrats doing X. Which, of course, will fly right over their heads and just anger them.

W was part owner of the Texas Rangers at one time. He wouldn’t have been that stupid.

Of course they are. He tried to become an owner for years. Wonder if he’s referring to anti-trust law here …

I’m sure the point of the protests will be WELL represented in a meeting between the NFL and a bunch of mostly old white businessmen. /s

I expect a heavy handed response incoming in 3… 2…

Maybe, but I’m also willing to bet they don’t appreciate being threatened by the president or all his grandstanding. Perhaps they take the opportunity to stand up for the constitution, something Papaya Pol Pot isn’t familiar with.

Not to be snarky but is it the businesses purpose to raise social awareness when the livelihood of the business is being threatened by the effort? Granted the NFL will survive this regardless.

But yea, the NFL’s way of dealing with things like this is usually to announce they will donate something and then later back off that promise.

Forgot to mention this:

I heard Tony Gonzales on the radio the other day talking about this. About how we have, as a society, lost the ability to bring different perspectives together and learn from one another, and respect each other, even if in the end we agree to disagree.

They should just go back to having the Anthem play before the players get on the field.

That’s the way it used to be and still is for college games

But that means the NFL hates the flag and everything it represents! Why does the NFL love terrorists?