The one game you want made that isn't being made

Anything by Matsuno. The man’s a damn genius, and I curse whatever circumstance has left us with a paltry 3.5 games of his to really enjoy. Tactics Ogre, FF Tactics, Vagrant Story, and FF 12 are not enough.

Or, in a more pithy answer, Unsung Story.

Interstate '76
Starship Troopers

Freespace 3
Startopia 2

Outpost 3. A hibrid of the colony building of Outpost 1 and a little RTS of Outpost 2.

The Saboteur 2

A Paradroid remake with proper twin stick shooter controls, rogue-like advancement and modern graphics

A lot of these tend to be Japanese games for me:

  • Langrisser 6
  • Dragon Force 3

Apart from the obvious one beginning with “H” and ending with “ife 3”, a true Dungeon Keeper sequel. I was going to say Evil Genius 2, but they are actually making that.

I’m not sure I could handle physically beating the crap out of a horstachio with a spade in VR.

I could swear there was one of these games in the mid-late 90s as well. Edit: Much later than that, apparently.

  • Prey 2 (that one with the awesome trailer)
  • Kingdoms of Amalur 2
  • I-War 3
  • Starshatter 2
  • A full blown, Witcher 3-like RPG game based on the Shadowrun universe
  • A Monster Hunter game with “save anywhere” capabilities
  • Borderlands X (with true save anywhere and a good implementation of crafting)
  • A good space-sim with (mostly) authentic physics (like I-War or Starshatter) that has a good Falcon 4-like dynamic campaign
  • Spore 2
  • An open-world version of Flashback that works a bit like the zombie phase in SPAZ, with you preventing an alien invasion, uncovering disguised aliens, fighting to regain cities/planets, with a bit of a “Red Faction Guerrilla” vibe
  • Speaking of which… Red Faction Guerrilla 2
  • Red Dead Redemption… for the PC
  • Ni No Kuni 2 - I know this one is being made, but it dropped the Pokemon-like part of finding/training creatures, and I’d really like to have a Ni No Kuni game that built upon and perfected that instead of dropping it altogether

I’ll probably think of something else later, but those would be the big ones, I think.

Against the Giants, the follow up to Temple of Elemental Evil. Though if we’re making wishes, updated to 5th edition rules and with a much wider scope.

Agents of Justice, but modern. I’ve always been slightly upset in the back of my head that one was cancelled. Looked like an amazing game!

Jagged Alliance 3, but proper JA not real-time with pause.

Dragon Age Origins 2. I wish they had made another Dragon Age game. Ah well.

Oh God yes. Turn-based, of course, right?

Yep, you bet - turn based yet with the same basic visuals you see in something modern like Pillars of Eternity 2. No real-time w/pause here, sir. Proper turn-based, 5th edition DnD that starts you off with a small party level 1 that you hand make yourself (or co-op with friends who make their own characters) and it takes you all the way up to level … let’s say 12 or so, would be fantastic, right as the power creep starts to get a little out of control. 50-70 hours of gameplay, pushing 100 for competitions.

Same as last thread. Just Stalker 2.

A sequel/reboot to ‘No One Lives Forever’
Falcon 5

Second a turn-based further iteration of the kind of D&D gameplay in Temple of Elemental Evil.

Also, a really meaty superhero MMO, based on GRRM’s “Wild Cards” universe.

Gladius 2.

Thief games in spirit of the first two games. 3 was ok, it had it’s moments but 4 is hot garbage unworthy of the name.

An action game from Treasure.

War for the Overworld is not a bad attempt. It’s less polished than Dungeons 2, but has a lot more soul.

I’d like to see:

  • a sequel to Omikron: The Nomad Soul
  • Everquest 3
  • And also as Scott and gurugeorge mentioned, further development of D&D ToEE not only 'Against the Giant’s, but also all the way to ‘Queen of the Demonweb Pits’ via ‘Descent into the Depths of the Earth’ and ‘Vault of the Drow’