The Opposition Thread

Oh great… :(

I can only speak for myself, but i want my elected politicians, and my party, to fight for me. I want them to fight for positions that support the party’s beliefs. If they have to compromise on acceptable things, so be it. That is why i voted for them after all.

However, the republicans now are doing things like trying to repeal obamacare, destroying planned parenthood, protecting discrimination, state sponsored religion, no regulation of any kind and tax cuts for the rich at the expense of everyone else. Those are things i cannot compromise on.

It is completely not the same as what republicans did for 8 years. Come back to this thread in 4 years when the democrats oppose Trump making Hillary president just because it was his idea.

Trump wants a state sponsored religion and no regulation of any kind? I’d love to see a link where he advocates such. The rest are things that have been arguments made against planks of the Republican platform for literally decades (well for ObamaCare as long it’s been around). I remember when Dems were saying Bush wanted a state religion, end all regulation, and cut taxes just for the wealthy and all the Hitler allusions that went with it.

So not only is it the same as what Republicans have been saying for 8 years, it’s the same as Dems were saying for 8 years before that. All that’s old is new again!

Bush and Trump are not even in the same ballpark, nor in the same party, actually, despite both having an R after their names.

Well, as soon as you accept the undeniable truth that anyone who supports Republican views or ideologies is a hideous, hateful monster worthy of destruction, it’ll all start making a lot more sense, Ray :)

You’re right, nothing Trump has said or done has done anything to dispel the impression that he’s Just Another Republican.

And how’d the Bush presidency work out for the country, again?

Hey I’m just saying this is all the same old same old, hasn’t worked in the past and don’t know why it would now. Some people on this thread are acting like this is a Brand New Thing but if you call Bush Hitler and you call Trump Hitler than you kinda let some air out of that argument.

The GOP spent 8 years calling Obama Hitler, and now they control both houses of Congress and the Presidency.

Yep, 8 years, not 4. Buckle up for the long haul I guess.

Never called Bush Hitler. Dumb, certainly, and an unknowing puppet for Cheney, perhaps, who pillaged the country for his cronies, all of which I anticipate from Trump, only more blatantly and a degree of magnitude greater. I didn’t think Bush would nuke us all in a fit of pique, or overthrow our democracy, or round up people of all colors and religious views, and/or sell us out to the Russians, all of which I am very concerned about with Trump.

Me either, but I can’t really argue that he’s putting up a strawman because, well, I don’t remember if maybe someone was calling Bush Hitler? I mean, I guess it could have happened?

I do remember people protesting from another country (I think in South America) carrying signs with like swastikas and 666 written over a big picture of Bush, but not this country. But it certainly could have happened, there are a lot of crazy liberals floating around.

Yeah, it happened a bunch of times. Google bush is Hitler and you can find it.

Like this one, by move on.

Some people did. We call those people stupid.

From the article:

The two 30-second ads were submitted as part of a contest sponsored. The organization invited submissions of spots criticizing Mr. Bush’s record. Two of the submissions compared Mr. Bush to the Nazi dictator of Germany, whose regime killed 6 million Jews during World War II.

The two Hitler ads are no longer on’s site since the contest ended at the end of 2003. But the Republican National Committee is making copies available on its own site.

Yesterday, officials said they don’t believe featuring the ads was an endorsement, and they also said they repudiated the two ads themselves.

Wes Boyd, president of the group’s Voter Fund, said in a statement the ad was one of more than 1,500 submissions that were posted on the Web site for the public to view and comment on.

“None of these was our ad, nor did their appearance constitute endorsement or sponsorship by Voter Fund,” he said. “They will not appear on TV. We do not support the sentiment expressed in the two Hitler submissions.”

Not by move on as you say and not exactly widespread.

Edits: about a dozen, because words are things I’m bad at.

Like I said there are other examples, it’s there for googling.

I can’t believe this is actually being debated.

Charles Rangle compared Bush’s Iraq War to the Holocaust and said not even Hitler tried to do what Bush was doing with the Contract For America. Keith Ellison compared 9/11 to the Reichstag fire. Kurt Vonnegut said the only difference between Bush and Hitler was that Hitler was elected. I mean this is all pretty easy to find.

As someone who lived in DC during the Bush years I can assure you that during protests signs and chants comparing Bush to Hitler were all over the place.

News flash: every major elected official on the face of the planet has been compared to Hitler at some point. It’s not exactly uncommon.

And again, it worked great for the right and Obama, so I dunno why anyone would assume only losing sides would use it.

It was pretty common as I recall. I was a Republican at the time and recall people saying it quite a bit.

Except it didn’t work great. Bush and Obama served every term they were legally allowed to serve. That’s not success, or it’s an incredibly low bar of it.

But it worked great at creating a highly motivated, engaged base, which is what you need for an opposition. As we’ve learned.

In the case of Trump there’s another advantage: the comparison just happens to be relevant. Trump wants to be an authoritarian leader basking in the adulation of his stormtroopers so badly it oozes out of him. Just look at (for example) his pointless post-election rallies, or his wink-wink cultivation of, you know, actual Nazis.

Mind you, he’s actually much more like Mussolini, but when making these comparisons for the general public you have to go with the greatest hits, not the deep cuts.