The Outer Worlds - Obsidian's Fallout New Vegas in Space

Nice. Less than 2 months away too. I hope that’s enough time for them to get nicely polished.

Only a year and 2 months before this releases! Yay!

(Sorry, I can’t help myself)

I think it’s going to release on Game Pass too.

Damn, I hate this shit.

Correct, gamepass is the best. :D

This is why people get angry at people who don’t like Epic. Let us enjoy the gametalk and not start this stuff in here now and keep it in the Epic thread please ok?

Trailer looks great. Even though it comes to Gamepass I still bought it through Epic because it looks amazing and hey, I want Obsidian to survive and continue making RPG I love.

Obsidian is now owned by Microsoft so I think they are fine for now.

That being said if it comes to Xbox Game Pass for PC (Beta), it is like…$5 bucks a month right now. ($4.99)

Cheapest way to play it. I am tempted to do this just so I can play it. I’ll buy it when it releases on Steam.

I figure a sale is sale and I like to “own” their games as much as games can be owned these days. It’s the only developer where this is the case.

But you really can, you just choose not to. I’ve been playing games through the EPIC launcher since Shadow Complex and it’s totally fine, it’s just another store front. May as well get pissy about uPlay or Origin. Game is out in two months, and many of the folks that would post in this thread are excited by that prospect. Keep the Epic stuff in the Epic thread, I say.

Since this is going to release on Game Pass for both Xbox and PC (or Windows/Xbox store if you want to outright buy it) I was hoping it would be a Play Anywhere title where the save would carry over across the Xbox and PC installations. It doesn’t look like the game will support that, which is a shame since that feature is such a wonderful delight for games that do.

I understand though, since the game was nearly finishing its development cycle before the Microsoft acquisition. Here’s to hoping for the next release though!

Ditto. I’m not an epic fan but people should stop shitting up individual game threads.

But if your objective is to put a stop to the discussion of the Epic store isn’t the way to do that not to keep replying about it?

Temp banning people would be way more effective.

Like that ever works.

haha, yeah, I’ll admit, the high road is the hard road. And often doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere fast.

I enjoyed that trailer, my most hyped for game this fall.

2019 has been a pretty incredible year I think. And Outer Worlds is definitely the one I’m looking forward to the most of the remaining heavy hitters this year (Jedi: Fallen Order and Doom Eternal being the other ones).

20 mins of gameplay from a Tokyo show…

This hasn’t jumped out at me all, but Gamepass means I’ll probably give it a go.

I know most people have been saying this looks like the worst game ever made, but I hope it sells well enough for Obsidian to pull themselves out of their fifteen-year rut.