The Pledge

We need more happy Hollywood endings like that!!! :wink:

How did this movie get made? I imagine Sean Penn attached the names to it when selling it to the studio and then maybe did not relay the final draft of the script.

Could it have been made if Nicholson, Redgrave, Mrs. Penn, Mirren, et al were not signed on from the get go? Would it have been straight to video and, once there, not been seen by anyone? I would not have watched (HBO) it if Nicholson had not starred in it, most likely.

Really liked it. Wondering if anyone saw it, has answers to any of the above questions, or cares. There are enough hardcore film buffs here that’ll know something, I assume.

I liked it. It was “fun”.

I liked it but I didn’t like the creepy realization it gave me…must always watch my children, even in the freakin driveway…

You and me both brother. My 18 mo. old girl was running around the house, bringing her diapers to me one at a time from her bedroom. I thought to myself, ‘Can I ever let her run outside and play without her mother or me watching her like a hawk’ and ‘Should I have really brought a child into this screwy world’ and more similair sappy things. Spooky.