The possible return of "V"

Yep, the old miniseries/series has been greenlit for a “reimagining” pilot at ABC. The guy behind “The 4400” is in charge.

Nice. I’d love a gritty remake of this.

I wonder if today’s kids are as tired yet of '80s nostalgia as I was of '60s nostalgia 20 years ago…

If V succeeds, I predict an Alien Nation reboot will be following close behind.

Can’t ABC double dip from their own swill? They have to take from NBC?


Good lord. I almost fell off my chair laughing.

And that my friend was the over hyped all summer long big reveal we all waited for…

One of the clearest shark-jumping moments of all time.

Good lord… why don’t they just do a miniseries of Childhood’s End already instead of rehashing smegging “V”?

As long as they don’t have a plan, I think QT3 will go for it.

I was 6 years old when I watched that and had nightmares for weeks. I can’t believe I was such a pussy. Well, I can believe it. I made such a stupid kid.

The real shocker is that this was five years after Ridley Scott showed us what a scary alien looks like.

God that show was awful. I read somewhere that it was the most expensive TV-series in its day. What the heck did they use all that money on? Pot?


krise madsen

I can’t explain the success of “V” either. Maybe because as a kid we didn’t quite get the “B Movie” nature of it and just focused on the cool sci-fi elements. Even then, though, I remember making fun of Marc Singer’s character always saying “It’s the only chance we’ve got!”

Man, he was in some crap. “V” and “Beastmaster” are not the kind of projects you can look back on with pride in the old actors home.

I remember V being a lot of fun and for a TV show in those days the special effects were great. I especially loved the blue laser beams.

I don’t know a person who didn’t love the show back then. Of course, we weren’t jaded consumers yet, we looked past the cheese and a silly scene like this could still give you the creeps… and that was a marvelous thing.

What cool sci-fi elements? The spaceships looked like rejects from Space: 1999. The alien soldier outfits were gay. The rayguns looked like pre-Super Soaker water pistols painted black. And that alien baby looked like a foam rubber handpuppet bought at a 99 cent store. And the acting was so bad it wasn’t even funny. Like I’ve-seen-better-on-daytime-soaps bad. That blonde doc was rather cute though.

Wait, I know. It was because I was a teenager when I saw it. Had I been 8 or something I would likely have been more interested. My bad.

The basic premise of the series was actually interesting: Aliens taking over Earth through infiltration and subversion rather than going in (plasma-) guns blazing. Too bad everything else about it was total shit.


krise madsen

As others have said, this actually scared the hell out of me at the time. In retrospect, though, the most significiant thing about this scene is the fact that Freddie Krueger is the baby’s daddy.

Are you sure? I thought the baby was the good looking alien guy that she dated. Freddie Krueger just helped raise it because he was a traitor (to the aliens, that is).

Anyway, I saw this again not too long ago. The pacing isn’t great, but I think it holds up just fine. It was always cheezy and bad. But that can be fun.

That creature looks like the offspring of Freddy and Slobulus the Madball.

Yeah, that’s a sensible reaction given that some of the most beloved SF movies of ALL time were released right around the same time. But what you have to understand is that V, for all its awfulness, was infinitely better than everything else on TV. We grew up on some vapid stuff, us Gen Xers.