The QT3 Gallery of Awesome People

Whew, I was afraid there would be zero chance for a caption for that shot.

“I once caught a fish THIS BIG…”

Apologies for the delay!
IainC added
Pogo added

And a surprise!

Balut added

rofl @ balut’s. Love it.

Me and some random girls… I probably already posted this…

Me after catching the bouquet. I was utterly and completely exhausted at this point and hated my Mad Men styled hair, but I still think it’s a pretty good picture since the bride is in the background. Holy shit, do they ever drink at Chinese weddings. Table toasts? I was glad to not be the groom.

Caught the bouqet at a Chinese wedding? I going to have to call you on a genetic height advantage and ask you to pass the flowers to the gal on your left.

I was in sneakers at that point, most everyone else was in spiked heels and even the bride had three inches on me! I snatched that bouquet out of the hands of a small child fair and square!

Heh. My kinda gal.


oh no…

Just mentioning that brings back suppressed memories of the first time my wife brought me to China… and we had dinner with her former classmates from high school…

You know that phrase, to “drink someone under the table?” I understand what it means now, very clearly.

I hoped never to hear “gan bei!” again.

The phrase that did me in was, “Gan bei.” Granted, this was not at a wedding.

And here I thought most Americans have a greater capacity for alcohol than we do. It’s probably just me then, I get seriously red when drinking and weddings are potential suicide by alcohol poisoning.

Next up, you guys should try a Korean wedding.

Yeah, you did

mmalloy added

The picture I posted for inclusion never made it into the gallery. Not awesome enough, I suppose.

Drama Queen Added

Picture of me at the Dragon*Con staff dinner holding the best fortune I’ve ever gotten from a fortune cookie.

As I’m sure many around here will attest, it’s all drama, all the time with me.

You look like you could be Daniel Tosh’s brother!

Jason Added.