The Relationships Thread

You’re a chump, but she’s a woman who just traded sex for money.

Welcome to the world of pimping! The next time she “needs to make rent” , introduce her to some of your friends. Charge a 50% markup fee.

Ironically, I was calling her a dirty whore and other things the entire time (her fetish, not mine) and she LOVED it. She’s currently shopping around for a “kink-friendly therapist” to help her work through some of her issues. I should probably be shopping for a chump-friendly one.

My love life has turned into a rodeo event. It was nice to find myself back on the saddle again, but I’ll probably get bucked in the end.

Ironically, I was calling her a dirty whore and other things the entire time (her fetish, not mine) and she LOVED it. Also ironically, only one of us came (not me, thanks I suppose to the psych meds I started months ago thanks to her). She is good at getting what what she needs I think, but is apparently shopping around for a “kink-friendly therapist” to help her work through some of her issues. I’m so glad to hear about that, but it makes me think that I should probably be shopping for a chump-friendly one.

My love life has turned into a rodeo event. It was nice to find myself unexpectedly back on the saddle again, but I’m sure I’ll just get bucked in the end.

Ironically, I was calling her a dirty whore and other things the entire time (her fetish, not mine) and she LOVED it. Also ironically, only one of us came (not me, thanks I suppose to the psych meds I started months ago thanks to her). She is good at getting what what she needs I think, but is apparently shopping around for a “kink-friendly therapist” to help her work through some of her issues. I’m so glad to hear about that, but it makes me think that I should probably be shopping for a chump-friendly one.

My love life has turned into a rodeo event. It was nice to find myself unexpectedly back on the saddle again, but I’m sure I’ll just get bucked in the end.

My advice? If you want to give her money, GIVE her money. Don’t lend it. Lending it implies she remains in your life until it’s repaid. A gift means she can go away and leave you alone, which is the healthier choice.

My brother, you need to get off this horse the easy way while things are calm.

You are not cool-hearted toward this girl, and that means you are in danger of being strung along and exploited whenever she needs a pick-me-up for a long, long time.

These relapses can feel like sublime, peak experiences while they’re happening, but later when she doesn’t need a pick-me-up and you do they will torment you — and she will actively enjoy the power imbalance, which will hurt you worse.

There’s no way back to the past for a do-over, and if there were it would turn out just the same. Find someone who isn’t a dirty whore but likes it if you call her one, and leave this one behind.

Get your money back, though. Or hey, get sex with her friends and mother as interest payments.

Oh man, you can really go down a rabbit hole of depraved, abhorent deviancy here, can’t you?

As Winston Churchill is quoted as saying: "We’ve already established who you are, Ma’am. Now we are negotiating.

This has been an entertaining read.

She even, proactively and apropos of nothing in particular, asked me to please not masturbate when we weren’t actually together. This request happened less than a month in.

She would have left me after that because I probably would have never stopped laughing at her.

To be fair to her, she MAY have just wanted to be copiously jizzed upon.

It would have made for a good opening to ask her about all her little fetishes or desires.

That kind of stuff is just crazy to me. Don’t masturbate, don’t look at other women, blah blah. I’m SURE we can throw “Don’t look at porn” in there as well. Relax!

I am sure she would have no problem with porn and video gaming.

What about porn gaming? These busty Japanese schoolgirls aren’t gonna massage themselves!

In seriousness, demands like that are usually a very bad sign and should serve as a huge red flag.

Dan Savage has spoken many times about that kind of power play — he describes it as abusive behavior, and I think he’s right.

Absolutely. I don’t put up with any of that crap from women. They are always like “Stop using porn, don’t touch yourself, quit sleeping with my sister behind my back.” Got to ignore that control shit and do your own thing!

Wait – what’s the power play? Asking someone not to masturbating, look at porn, or both?

Asking someone not to masturbate or not to look at porn period would fall under what Dan Savage meant. If you’re watching so much that you start neglecting your partner, that’s another story.

Trying to control the other person’s behavior, in whatever way, is the power play. It leads to lies and deception and ultimately nothing good.