The Resistance: Avalon + The Plot Thickens Forum Game #??

Cards being held:

No Confidence: Thraeg
Keeping a Close Eye on You: Thraeg

Cards used:

Open Up: Thraeg

Cards to be used:

Overheard Conversation: Thraeg

Cards to be distributed:

Take Responsibility
No Confidence

Open Up was used, it’s gone.

It’s in the cards used section.

Yes it is, sorry.


Thraeg has been seen 6 minutes ago but still no response to my PM and thread comments?

Edit: Sorry

I know you’re anxious to keep the game moving but we’ve all gotten used to longish gaps at times. Can sometimes read something but might not have a chance to respond right at that second, etc.

The Resistance will find a way!

Sorry. Just a bit anxious I guess, but you’re right. I’ve seen some long gaps in the old games, namely when Giaddon held a game up for 36 hours.

It’s a long game…

I’d rather he (and other players) take the time to consider their options instead of rushing. Super easy for evil to win if good isn’t paying attention.

I am pretty sure I held up a game for like 5 days once. I’m sure other people have me beat.

The beatings were actually scheduled to commence on the potential 7th day of delay.

cough Codenames cough @Otthegreat ;)

I schedule vacations on Ott’s turns.

We aren’t waiting on Ot, we’re waiting on Thraeg.

No, we’re waiting on Ot, we just don’t know it yet.

Knightsaber, who do you think are the spies/Evil so far?

On second thought, that might be a bad question to ask in the thread.

It’s tradition, when Knight and I run a BSG game the other isn’t in, we have a separate PM thread discussing exactly those things. And how hilariously screwed they are/ badly they bungled whatever opportunities they had.

It hasn’t been five days yet!