The Russia is getting more evil thread

As far as I know it is and still only counts visually confirmed losses.

Seriously thank you for doing this. It is important work. Look forward to reports of your impression of the Ukrainian troops, fun stories, and whatever you can share that is allowed.

That is probably where the number comes from. It would be impossible for Russia to lose 10k MBT’s. But 10k in all combat vehicles? Maybe that is close to a possibility.

Pretty pictures! This dude punches data into some nice visuals. This particular page is data from oryx. There is also other pages with data as reported from other sources. 7-8k seems to be IFV and Tanks combined.

Not that 8k AFVs of all sorts is a small number, of course. It’s…almost unbelievably huge. Modern warfare is deadly, we know that, and modern drone warfare is it seems even deadlier perhaps. But the losses Russia has sustained smack of something more than the inevitable cost of conflict.

There’s something weird about that chart…


…I’m reasonably certain those columns are reversed.

Look up two spots, there is a Naval Ships and Submarines row. Seems like those entries in the database just didn’t use consistent categories between Russia and Ukraine.

As a result of Ukrainian bombings some civilians died in Crimea.

In a more unusual news some terrorists in Dagestan went on a rampage in Orthodox Church and Synagogue, killed some policemen and hold hostages. Russian media naturally starts blaming NATO and Ukrainians, I was especially impressed by a phrase “obvious MI6 MO”. Some of you may remember I was talking a lot about how Russia might be a colossus on clay legs and how Prigozhin’s march and later other events could have shown everybody it’s very vulnerable now. Perhaps we’re finally there and all of this is accelerating, perhaps it’s on its way to a failed state.

Oh, and also in another place in Dagestan someone shot a police car.

If anyone needs refreshment Dagestan is a republic in Russian federation, near Caucasus. It’s nationalist and Muslim. Putin was granted a prime minister title during serious issues there and he pacified it in the late 90s, and in general he earned initial respect as a terrorism fighter, which led to conspiracy theories about false flag attacks.

I do remember you saying that! I hope this kind of thing expands.

Erm, well, I’m not really hoping for more murders of elderly priests and attacks on synagogues, or even killings of local security forces who probably aren’t exactly Prime Evils, if you know what I mean.

I’m all for weakening Russia’s ability to meddle outside its borders, but I’m not a fan of terrorism like these attacks anywhere.

I didn’t mean in that way if course. I meant I hope revolts will expand so Russia is forced to realocate troops.

I get ya. Just clarifying my take that’s all :).

Apparently the terrorists are led by a family of a head of a province in Dagestan, member of the ruling party. Huh.

By the way, it’s exactly 1 year since Prigozhin’s trip.

I still don’t understand what exactly went on there.

I don’t think Prigozhin did either, probably up to the point that his plane got hit by a SAM (or bombed).

I think he was flexing the power he knew he had, but he foolishly assumed he could make his point and actually survive.
I’m sure he got all sorts of concessions and deals that all sounded really great right until his plane ceased being a plane in a few milliseconds.

Yeah, that. He was promised all he wanted probably.

After that march it’s funny people still talk about public support for Putin’s government among people and elites, that day clearly showed what would happen during any coup or even invasion.

Unrestricted warfare (outside the 100 km boundary)… when do they get it?

Bradley for the win: