The Seven Neo-con priorities (Orders?) for Dubya

‘‘Indeed, the president laid claim square to the ultimate moral value—freedom—as the cornerstone of his strategy for defeating our Islamofascist enemies and their state sponsors, for whom that concept is utterly (sic) anathema.’’

To be true to that commitment, policy in the second administration must be directed toward seven priorities, Gaffney says, beginning with the ‘‘reduction in detail of Fallujah and other safe havens utilized by freedom’s enemies in Iraq;’’ followed by ‘‘uegime change—one way or another—in Iran and North Korea[/u], the only hope for preventing these remaining ‘Axis of Evil’ states from fully realizing their terrorist and nuclear ambitions.’’

Third, the administration must provide ‘‘the substantially increased resources need to re-equip a transforming military and rebuild human-intelligence capabilities (minus, if at all possible, the sorts of intelligence ‘reforms’ contemplated pre-election that would make matters worse on this and other scores) while we fight World War IV, followed by enhancing ‘‘protection of our homeland,’’ including deploying effective missile defenses at sea and in space, as well as ashore.’’

Fifth, Washington must keep '‘faith with Israel, whose destruction remains a priority for the same people who want to destroy us (and…for our shared ‘moral values) especially in the face of Yasser Arafat’s demise and the inevitable, post-election pressure to ‘solve’ the Middle East problem by forcing the Israelis to abandon defensible boundaries.’’

Sixth, the administration must deal with France and Germany and the dynamic that made them ''so problematic in the first term: namely, their willingness to make common cause with our enemies for profit and their desire to employ a united Europe and its new constitution—as well as other international institutions and mechanisms—to thwart the expansion and application of American power where deemed necessary by Washington.‘’

Finally, Bush must adapt ''appropriate strategies for contending with China’s increasingly fascistic trade and military policies, (Russian President) Vladimir Putin’s accelerating authoritarianism at home and aggressiveness toward the former Soviet republics, the worldwide spread of Islamofascism, and the emergence of a number of aggressively anti-American regimes in Latin America,‘’—which Gaffney does not further identify.

‘‘These items do not represent some sort of neocon ‘imperialist’ game plan,’’ Gaffney stressed. ''Rather, they constitute a checklist of the work the world will demand of this president and his subordinates in a second term."

Hehe, this is cool! It’s like playing Superpower 2 or a modern version of Risk! Note the use of the word fascist. Takes one to know one?

Man, just putting China, Korea, Iran and Russia in their place? What’s he going to do for the last two years of his presidency?

while we fight World War IV, followed by enhancing ‘‘protection of our homeland,’’ including deploying effective missile defenses at sea and in space, as well as ashore.‘’

Uh… World War FOUR? Did I miss something?

World War III was the war that St. Reagan won single-handedly.

So apparently according to them you can be a fascist commie, interesting.

Well, McBain did fight the commie Nazis, remember.

Well, at least they know there’s a fascist around somewhere. Now they’ve just got to narrow it down.

But really, its kind of like Psychology 201 to call your enemy by your own name. Rove would not be nearly so inept… I hope he’ll train Gaffney in the future to avoid such embarrassment.

they constitute a checklist of the work the world will demand of this president and his subordinates in a second term.

Uh, yeah. The world will demand that we “fight World War IV” against, um, the whole world, it sounds like. Except apparently Israel.