Cause of that thing that Dutch sees?
Wouldn’t mind screen caps of that…
Cause of that thing that Dutch sees?
Wouldn’t mind screen caps of that…
Does FX even have an HD channel yet? Even if they do, I’m not sure that Shield is filmed in high-def.
Kevin, I recall previous seasons were available in widescreen, high-def downloads. I think there was a satellite FX affiliate or something to that effect which the caps were coming from up until this season.
This is something new isn’t it, another country getting episodes of a U.S. series before we do?
It seemed to me that FX started the series later in the year than it usually did. I think that perhaps the US stations delayed the start of the show for scheduling reasons of some sort, which caused the French to be ahead of us because they started at a regular time.
This is just speculation of course, but it seems feasible.
They were playing two episodes a week in France, for some reason. I think they actually both started playing at the same time. I say “were” because apparently the episiode from tonight (episode 10) is the season finale.
Yes it is, especially in France, generally we have series months if not years after the original broadcasting.
The Shield is one of the only shows that has managed to do this to me for 6 seasons. Quite possibly one of the most intense shows ever.
That finale was so juicy and good, it made up for the lack of a standard 13 ep season this year.
I never thought I’d hear myself say this, but, hooray for France!
Wow, the finale was GOOD. They didn’t went away with a bang, they chose to deepen the story, to set the bases for season 7. Great episode, great acting, the parts with Dutch and Mackey’s kid were actually moving… I think this is one of the few series that gets better as seasons keep going.
It’s interesting to compare where “The Shield” is after 6 seasons, and where “24” is after 6 seasons. I still watch 24, but it hasn’t aged like the Shield has.
I’ve went through a Shield marathon the last few weeks, and I was floored by the quality of this show. The Season 5 finale had a real emotional impact on me, something I can’t say about many TV shows.
Though I have to say Season 6 felt pretty incomplete to me…like they planned a 13 ep run but got cut short somehow. There were no real key events except for Shane admitting the murder, and with the firing of Kevin Hiatt and the closing of the Armenian plot, they basically removed any traces that this season actually happened.
It’s interesting to compare where “The Shield” is after 6 seasons, and where “24” is after 6 seasons. I still watch 24, but it hasn’t aged like the Shield has.
Are you somehow suggesting that 24 is not only a good show, but that it’s actually superior to The Shield? Man, some people…
If you ask me, The Shield takes a big, healthy shit all over mainstream shows like 24 and Lost in terms of depth and character development.
I’m pretty sure he’s saying the exact opposite?
Yeah, on a second look - I guess I took “aging” as a negative remark. My bad.
Bingo. To clarify, compare the first season of 24 and the Shield with the sixth season of each respective show. The Shield as become deeper and more robust, “aging” much like a good scotch. 24, however, has turned into vinegar, like a badly sealed bottle of Boone’s Farm.
In other news, my girlfriend swears she saw Walter Goggins (Dutch) in the airport today.
I can’t bring myself to watch an episode of 24, it’s just too A-Team for me. The most compelling thing about The Shield is that it always comes full circle, back to the first episode when Mackey crossed the final line and killed the IA guy. He still hasn’t gotten past that, through all the other shit he’s had to resolve.
Uh, Walton Goggins plays Shane Vendrell. Jay Karnes plays “Dutch” Wagenbach.
I had a friend talk me into Netflixing this show, and I really loved it. As others have pointed out, the show has really matured as the history and relationships become tangled and interwoven. Great stuff.
Of course, I just finished Season 5, and there’s no Season 6 on DVD, so I’m jonesing a bit. Ok, a lot.
Whoops! I’m glad she didn’t ask if his name was Walton, then.
My little cousin got caught on some grafitti charge. My uncle asked whether he should get a lawyer and they fed him some line about it moving to a felony charge. Then little cousin confessed. I kept picturing Dutch and Claudette. If I ever get arrested I’m getting my dang lawyer cause in this show it fucks them up.
Then again, they almost always arrest the criminals. The few times they got the wrong guy they usually let them go.
If you get Mackied thought. Hm.
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=-======================== SPOILERZ BELOW !@_ -------
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I hate Shawn. As the seasons passed he’s shown himself to be a whiny little bitch. The girlfriend was the first straw. Then the whole I’m gonna be my own little bitch. Then the Antoine payroll angle.
Then … the big spoiler… Then Mackie’s response.
Damn thought, I’m glad he’s back in his place.
I’m not sure what Mackie’s plan will be for the review board. Make himself indispensable, crack open supermajor mexican drug cartel laundering?