The straw that finally killed Counterstrike

I don’t remember any stealth in CS when I used to play like 20 years ago (holy shit).

Ok, wrong game then.

There were plenty of clones! At least that’s how I remember it. Not only did it sprout a ton of mods, a few of them tried to go retail like CS did. Probably most notably UT mod Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror, which I remember having huge issues with weapon balance going by reviews (I only played it in mod form). Then you had stuff like Global Operations (from then Barking Dog Studios) which was really cool and ambitious… but it murdered my PC. I can’t think of one that wasn’t pretty much dead on arrival, so I suspect most would be hard to track down today.

Reading this thread has caused me to remember some things. Some things about a time when I used to play online shooters. As the flood of memories washed over me, one glaring thought struck me and caused me to flinch. I feel I have to admit now that I was a bunny hopper. Like, bad. All the way across the map. Hop, hop, shoot, shoot, hop, shoot, hop…

I also spawn camped.

Nietzsche might have been onto something with his concept of the Eternal Return or Eternal Recurrence as humanity is back in the same position with Epic. ;-)

Not only was I bunny hopper but I didn’t even have the skill to time it properly so I mapped it to scroll down to give me more cushion.