The there-less Journey

"Don't critisize what you can't understand"
- Bob Dylan

words of wisdom, my friend

Well looks like this guy got the attention he wanted, fuck the mainstream right? ;)

Coincidentially, exchanges like this are a good reminder of why limited communication like in Journey is sometimes good when you're online.

journey is a terrible game and everyone that likes it is a fucking moron, THanks


Thanks for this review. I was really beginning to think that the world had gone a little screwy. Your review precisely encapsulates what I felt was "just not there" about Journey. What is there is nothing terribly unique, though it never stops being pretty. Reading through a few of the comments below (at least the ones that are on topic) I am puzzled at the "revelation" that some players experience. I have had many more meaningful multiplayer experiences in Counter-Strike, than I did in Journey. Certainly even more in Little Big Planet. My experience was that there was just someone else in the world that I had to beat to the next story screen or switch. I was satisfied though that he/she dropped dead at the end before I did.

Push the joystick forward and don't question that this is a minor masterpiece that will live forever.


I hate this guy he gives good games bad, he also gave Max Payne 3 a negative review.

Your website is bad and you should feel bad!

you are retarded when it comes to game reviews

fuck you asshole

Your cool, sarcasm detector is now off the charts.

Lets defend a 'reviewer' who's too mentally shallow to understand interaction and emotion in a game. I guess I expected too much from someone who thinks Saints Row 3 isn't juvenile. Well another neck bearded fanboy defending a reviewer.


The car is both red and blue. In order to make any sensible judgement, you'll have to see for yourself which you perceive it to be.

bahaha, I doubt ANYONE is going to dismiss it based on the opinion of a SINGLE nobody.

Well, why are you actually giving shitty games excelent rating a good games such as Journey or Payne 3 are 20% lower score than the avarage score is?...

True review, i think exactly like you and feel cheated by stupid reviews from internet, why you dont review Vita games, its being hard to find a trus worthy source nowadays.!!

Yea, I tend to be pretty chill about reviews I don't agree with. But this review really strikes me as someone who doesn't really understand what they're reviewing. You can't say that the (untrue) lack of gameplay "isn't necessarily a criticism", then have it be the basis for giving a game two stars.

I can certainly understand if someone didn't like this game. What I can't understand is how Metacritic takes you seriously when you write 500 word reviews. This didn't justify your opinion in the least and was really amateurish.

This stupid site should not be taken serious!

Really? That's sweet. Not many reviews have made me so glad that the perpetrator can't profit from their faulty opinions...